Some people just have Marty Feldman fetishes.Why the f*** would you want a Chihuahua
Some people just have Marty Feldman fetishes.Why the f*** would you want a Chihuahua
They're for someone who wants a dog, but wants their pet to hate them like a cat
someone people want dogs that have the anger of 10,000 men apparently
We had a chihuahua when I was growing up and it was probably the meanest dog I've ever been around. It used to terrorize my sisters. To be fair to Chihuahuas, though, my grandmother had one of it's littermates and he was a sweetheart.
Pugs can do one thing other than wheeze.I interact with a lot of breeds for my day job. The only two consistent factors I've come across are:
- Chihuahuas are the most high strung, angriest dogs you'll ever meet. To quote Scrubs: "They're bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling". They're angry at the world and will let everyone know it.
- Pugs should not exist. Whatever crossbreeding humanity has done to turn them into what they are today should be reversed. Even fully healthy ones are barely able to breathe, and if they get sick or injured (which is very common for them), they basically become lumps of flesh that wheeze. If you want a similar looking dog that can actually function as a dog, get a Frenchie.
Are you f***ing kidding me
bold move by them to be the assholes to someone who could have called animal control and (once the firefighters got him out) have the little bastard put down.15 yrs old I was walking down a street and a chihuahua came running at me and bit me behind my heel. I instinctively kicked back and heard yapping but saw no dog. And damn if I hadn't kicked him into the sewer drain.
Went and knocked on door answered by a guy I was in school with. He and mom freaked running to the sewer. I explained and apologized. Took off sock and shoe and yep, bite marks. Didn't matter to them. All they cared about was the dog. I was the bad guy. Went on my way. Evidently they got the fire department for the rescue. My mom called to make sure the dog had shots. From then on this guy hated me. No big deal. He in real llife was considered a dick by most folks.