And if that was the case, he wouldn't be giggling like a damn school girl on the bench after Timo got tossed and doing McDavid esque crossovers 2 mins after it happened but yeah sure I guess
One of the nice things about living in 2024 is that we have access to the broadcasts from
both teams to understand what the two fanbases are seeing.
- For one thing, taking all opinions out of the matter — Necas was on the ice for about 10 seconds, after getting hit so hard above his knee that it almost crossed one leg over the other. 10 seconds before he hopped up and went directly to the locker room. He was back on the bench immediately after getting checked out, maybe 1-2 minutes after taking that hit. So this whole thing about a dive or an extended period of embellishment is just plain false, and that’s not opinion.
- “giggling like a damn school girl on the bench” — did you hallucinate this? Neither broadcast showed anything other than Necas sitting with a neutral expression, and it’s not like both crews didn’t keep the camera on him. No idea where you got the idea that he was giggling, unless you’re just speaking from pure bitterness.
- “McDavid esque crossovers” — you mean regular crossovers? What did you expect him to do, skate backwards?
The striking thing about the final half-period of the Devils broadcast is how they covered that call. First, as they cut to commercial before the actual call was made and before they had time to really digest a replay, a hot mic caught Bryce Salvador whining that the only reason there was a call was “because it’s their best player and he got hurt”. Daneyko initially took a neutral posture that there was no malicious intent but that the call wasn’t unusual. Then, strikingly, Daneyko started vocally disagreeing with the call after Necas returned to the bench, claiming that the call shouldn’t have been made until the extent of injury was assessed (!?). Then he really got hot about it after the goal was scored, and spent the rest of the game coming back to it over and over.
And I mean
over and over. Not one minute passed during the rest of that broadcast that the Devils crew didn’t relate every last little turn of events back to that one penalty. Devils allow 4 straight goals, (three at even strength and one BEFORE the penalty) and somehow this is because of that penalty. Necas carries the puck along the blue line and an outraged Salvador says “look at him dancing around now!”. Devils fail to get any offense going, and this is because they were deflated by the Necas call. Haula hits Orlov directly in the head away from the puck, and the Devils crew consensus is that “Carolina already got their break” so a headshot doesn’t merit any penalty. Daneyko even went so far as to say that it was time for the Devils to “get their pound of flesh” while they had the chance in the meaningless final minutes.
Understanding that your fanbase had
that experience of the game, it’s understandable how this thread ended up 7 pages long. It’s a lesson in how someone can get in your ear and repeat a narrative over and over until you believe it, then you get mad about it, then you’re willing to die on that hill. Even if it’s just total nonsense designed to tell you a story that sounds more appealing than reality.