That's not how it works.
That is exactely how it works... or tell me where dose this counterys com from? SA? Asia, Australia? no to call this WC is ridiculouse because its only NA and Europe that compete in this sport
That's not how it works.
That is exactely how it works... or tell me where dose this counterys com from? SA? Asia, Australia? no to call this WC is ridiculouse because its only NA and Europe that compete in this sport
Russia lays on both Europe and Asia and many good KHL teams are on the east side of Ural mountains. So you can add Asia into the list of participants![]()
That is exactely how it works... or tell me where dose this counterys com from? SA? Asia, Australia? no to call this WC is ridiculouse because its only NA and Europe that compete in this sport
Oleg the Cutthroat? Propably russian..
This 3rd period has been boring. No intensity left from earlier periods.
No, that's how it is currently. If India suddenly ices a team that is competitive against the best hockey countries, that team will be playing in the WC. Therefore, it's world championship games in hockey.
There just simply is no more countries to compete.
Hockey WC is just what it is. A tournament on world championship with the best countries. Every single sport does the WC same way. The best teams/athletes are playing/competing for the WC title. Just cause it's a marginal sport, doesn't mean we can't have world championships on it. Or how do you suggest we treat Rugby/Judo/Ski-Jump/etc.?
You are on the wrong here.
That is exactely how it works... or tell me where dose this counterys com from? SA? Asia, Australia? no to call this WC is ridiculouse because its only NA and Europe that compete in this sport
Wow just wow... do you reall think teams like Australia can compete against Germany in football? but still they can qualify to the WC... the hockey should look how football have their qualif to WC would be funny with more counterys tbh. where they give some spots lets say 2 spots for NA team 5-6 spots for Europe teams and 4-6 for Asian team's and 1-2 spots for Australian team if they even play hockey there like football...
Judo is more than just EU and NA that compete in if you wanna know!
Many countries from other continents compete at lower levels, and have the opportunity to qualify for the top-level competitions. For example Japan, Kazakhstan and South Korea competed in Div I this year, while Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, China and Israel played Div II. The World Championship is not just the top-level competition, you see.
Many countries from other continents compete at lower levels, and have the opportunity to qualify for the top-level competitions. For example Japan, Kazakhstan and South Korea competed in Div I this year, while Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, China and Israel played Div II. The World Championship is not just the top-level competition, you see.
Nop but would be better with the footballs version of WC more counterys that compete.
I know the competition on Judo. Doesn't make it any less marginal sport now does it?
Hockey has a qualification process. Just like all sports has. If you can beat the qualification, you are in. No country is invalidated for the qualification. You can participate after putting in a team that can compete. It starts from bottom and working your way up. Just like every other sport. Hockey is a marginal sport that has real competitive teams in few countries. Most of those countries are in the WC right now. If there were more, IIHF would expand the brackets and work out a more fair qualification process.
Simply put, the best hockey countries in the world are currently competing for the WC title. There is no-one left out and there is no-one looking to come in.
By definition, these are the world championship games of hockey.
How would you suggest we change this?
Oh god.
You do realize the difference on competitive football countries and competitive hockey countries?
eh no since moste of the players com from Europe and moste of the population in Russia livse in Europe... and Russia when they qualify for WC in Football qualife in the Europe so, but now kazakhstan is in the elit division i probably can add Asia
Like i said just laughable to call this WC since it is only EU teams and NA teams... or do you really think teams like Australia or other Asian counterys can win WC in football? Can't see why they don't follow the football in this case and give the continents that play hockey some spots like i said, serriously i don't give a **** if China or Australia sucks donkey, they still do in Football and yet they are able to play in WC, more funny to see other counterys than this regulare teams thats allways in.
Thisis right back at ya... but i dident have any hope that finnish hockey fans would take it in to ther thick heads...
You do realize that there is not every countery in football that is in WC are good enough to be there? Like Australia.
You may be surprized but in Football Kazakhstan is qualified as European country too.So I don't think it is a serious argument.
In the same time these guys were born and became hockey players in Asia:
Znarok - Chelyabinsk (East Ural)
Barulin - Karaganda (Kazakhstan)
Bobrovsky - Novokuznetsk (Siberia)
Khudobin - Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan)
Antipin - Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan)
Biryukov - Chelyabinsk (East Ural)
Belov - Chelyabinsk (East Ural)
Medvedev - Chelyabinsk (East Ural)
... damn it will take me hours, almost all of them from Asia![]()
Nop but would be better with the footballs version of WC more counterys that compete.
And? not like everyone from the Russian team is from the east of Ural
No. That's not how it works. Not at all. I am not going to walk you through the process of how the qualification in football and hockey is done. Just go and look it up yourself. Cause right now, you are talking out of your ass.
Now, they are not equipped to win. But they still manage to get through the qualification. Just like Norway does in hockey.
You are not seeing the forest from the trees here. There is a fundamental difference on the amount of countries with competitive football teams and countries with competitive hockey teams.
If the hockey WC would be expanded to similar amount like football WC, we'd be looking at teams that are not only inferior but complete jokes against teams like Norway.
If hockey would have enough teams to form a 32 country WC, they would do it. But as it stands, there are only this few countries with any justification to compete in the WC. And this current number might just be too much.
Comparing football to hockey in terms of WC participation is inherently flawed.
For Kazakhstan sport officials that scheme would be ideal. But eventually it would ruin hockey in my country. Cause there would be no competition at all
Not everyone but majority. I am just tired to proceed
I mean it. I started with a coach, goalkeepers and defence men and understood that it will take too long![]()