Martin Brodeur in doping control test

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Who said goaltenders benefit more from doping than skaters? It's totally the opposite!
Taze said:
There were tests in Olympic games, but I'm pretty sure that they didn't test everyone in any team, just random picking after game, maybe two or three players after medalround games.

Aren't doping tests mandatory for every olympic medal winners ?
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MLH said:
Please, if it comes back positive (which I highly doubt it will) it's pretty obvious that he's setting up an excuse. Come on, the Latvians snuck banned substances into a water bottle then gave it to Brodeur?

I've heard some extremly lame excuses in the past from athleets every where. Like having sex the night before or having a steak in the Neatherlands...

But are you guys sure he wasn't joking? Like I had a bad game, must have been the waterbottle and on top of it all now a test! (Big smile from Brodeur) Then a young reporter sent out to cover a got damn hockey tournament in the middle of nowhere have a chance to get a headline and he can't be sued for nothing... (Thats my bet atleast)

I am also 100% sure that the Canadian doctors do a throughout research of what substances players have used before the tournament. Remember that a coldmedecine thats bought over the counter and without a doubt used by teams in the NHL can get you banned for 2 years if you play in the WCH. A ban that willapply in the NHL.(or atleast should according to a still standing contract between the IIHF and the NHL where NHL and IIHF respect each others bans...)

VanIslander said:
Then he says a Latvian gave him a water bottle and then he insinuates that the committee may not have picked him randomly.

Players aren't "randomly" picked. Thats what they say but muscular players are for example always tested more then thin players ect.

Morrass said:
But say, hypothetically, it does come back positive. Would some people then start coming forward? Former trainers, former teammates? What if some of these accusations reach back a number of years? If he admits to it or its proven beyond a reasonable doubt, do they take away his trophies from the "tainted" period?

I reiterate that I am quite confident that he is innocent, but I don't have the foggiest on how it would all play out.

I have a feeling that if Brodeur is caugt NJ Devils go nuts and try every possible option not to get him suspended in the NHL. Before athleets from the US was not tested properly because the risk of who ever did the test risked beeing sued in the states. There is always resoniable doubt when it comes to these things and who knows how jury is gooing to react... Could there have been something in the waterbottle?
VanIslander said:
Goaltenders benefit more from doping than skaters due to the physical demands of the position. Especially aging goalies.

I don't think he'll be man enough to admit it if he has. If the results are negative, he simply disrespected the Latvian player by voicing suspicions prematurely about a guy who did a nice thing (handing him a water bottle).

This whole situation is distasteful. Hope he apologizes if he didn't dope or is kicked out of hockey if he has.

hooty mcboobs said:
I would think Brodeur would be concerned about possible stimulants added to the water rather than steroids; it would be pretty obvious, if the test comes back for the remnants for deca-durabolin or equipoise, that it wasn't added to the water. Either way, I wouldn't fault Brodeur because many, many athletes are on performance enhancing drugs and I would prefer to see the best, not the best naturally.

If Brodeur were to not say anything beforehand, it will come off as an excuse. If Brodeur does mention it, you have what we have here: people griping that he sounds guilty. With performance enhancing drugs, the players are in a no-win situation, as most people are vehemently against the drugs without really knowing why.

I would prefer to see the best naturally. Messing with doping is cheating, plain and simple. I would fault anybody using doping.
Here's another article on this, from it it sounds like Brodeur was joking.

"I let four of them in. I think that's why I got drug-tested after the game,'' joked Brodeur.
''Because they saw all four goals and said: 'Test him right away.' ''
This is the biggest overreaction ever. People get selected for testing all the time, it never makes the news.

So what is the news here exaclty? Brodeur got tested, some reporter asked him about it and he made a joke that he played bad so they figured they would test him right away. All of a sudden some internet message board explodes with controversy about it.

Where's the story about some random third line winger from Slovenia being selected for testing? Because right now that's no more newsworthy than Brodeur being tested.
VanIslander said:
OMFG. He's talking like a guilty guy. Questioning the selection process before the results are even known?

He has so far insinuated major twisted underhanded conduct on the part of a Latvian player and unfair, biased conduct on the part of the drugtesting committee.

If the results end up negative, he should apologize. Or else he isn't the classy guy I thought he was.

If he's guilty then he's lying through the yinyang to try and put a different spin on the media coverage that'll be storming in.

So if the results end up negative are you going to apologize for insinuating that he is guilty?
Le Golie said:
So if the results end up negative are you going to apologize for insinuating that he is guilty?
:shakehead I qualified my statements with "if". Either Brodeur didn't, or else a reporter didn't, failing to indicate the context of a joke.

Hoping this is all just a joke that was misrepresented. That's the only way Brodeur's comments don't affect his character.
if you start making excuses before the tests and already accuse somebody of putting something in what you drink, you can clearly imagine what's in Brodeur's mind : he already knows the result, which will have nothing to do with that water
While his statement sounds remarkably like Ben Johnson's in 1988 about the infamous switching/tampering of the water bottle, this reaction to Brodeur's comments is quite the overreaction. My goodness are people ever impatient for test results.
I hope he gets busted, everybody knows what he is doing.

what, humping his inlaws? ;)

meh, i can see the joking about the poor game and all, but joking about the water bottle? that doesn't really seem like much of a joke...I just can't quite see how someone can twist that into a joke.

but it doesn't mean anything either...considering the kinds of stuff that can show up on drug tests even when the athletes aren't doping, I'm sure everyone gets nervous when they find out they're going to be tested. "oh god, what about that cold medicine i took the other day?" etc etc.
VanIslander said:
Brodeur isn't starting today against Slovenia.

Coincidence? I think so.

Canada always plays their second goaltender in games they feel are for sure wins. Jesus.
Considering no other media outlet is picking up the bottle story and that when reading the original article in French it reads as a mock-scandal piece, not even in the headline section of RDS, but the opinion pieces, this was obviously Marty joking around.
The Albino is correct.

It is also penned by a writer who often pokes fun at his colleagues in his local media for mud raking 'journalism'. Good fun on a slow news day.
Until someone can come up with another source for this story I'm going to shut this down. It's pure speculation at this point in time and most likely a hoax. PM me if you find another source and I'll reopen it.
I re-opened this as The Hockey News had a blurb on the story

BRODEUR WORRIED Marty Brodeur was the Canadian who was drug-tested after Saturday’s 6-4 win over Latvia. And Brodeur was a little worried that something might come up on the test because of an incident during the game.

Brodeur drank from a Latvian water bottle and then realized the error he made. When he went to the drug-testing office, he informed officials of the miscue and filed a report on what happened.

In the end, it didn’t matter

From the sounds of it he passed the drug test, so all the speculation can be put to bed.

EDIT - Thank you Bling for passing that info on.
Le Golie said:
This is the biggest overreaction ever. People get selected for testing all the time, it never makes the news.

So what is the news here exaclty? Brodeur got tested, some reporter asked him about it and he made a joke that he played bad so they figured they would test him right away. All of a sudden some internet message board explodes with controversy about it.

Where's the story about some random third line winger from Slovenia being selected for testing? Because right now that's no more newsworthy than Brodeur being tested.

U need to calm down, the "big news" is about him making excuses, not that he is being tested, we all know that players get tested.

As for the coincidence that Luongo was in net, that was decided before hand.
Rick Middleton said:
I re-opened this as The Hockey News had a blurb on the story

From the sounds of it he passed the drug test, so all the speculation can be put to bed.

EDIT - Thank you Bling for passing that info on.

I was in doping control a number of years ago (not for hockey) and was not too worried, I had nothing to hide, but still felt somewhat relieved when the test came back negative. It plays on your mind, not because of the likelyhood of a positive test, but because of the ramifications of a positive test result. Any Canadian Athlete testing positive would be in the news. Marty would have been a front page headline even if it was cold medicine and trace quantities. So your first reaction has to be "alright, what have I eaten or drank lately". I know they are schooled on what they can have but it still effects you and must be much moreso if you are a household name.
BRODEUR WORRIED Marty Brodeur was the Canadian who was drug-tested after Saturday’s 6-4 win over Latvia. And Brodeur was a little worried that something might come up on the test because of an incident during the game.

Brodeur drank from a Latvian water bottle and then realized the error he made. When he went to the drug-testing office, he informed officials of the miscue and filed a report on what happened.
So Brodeur was just being paranoid - not joking - after all. What I first suspected.

The kindness of the Latvian was just that, not some machiavellian ploy as Brodeur thought it might have been.

I still think Brodeur should apologize or at least realize he needn't have mentioned to the media his suspicions of what was a nice act.
nikki9 said:
U need to calm down, the "big news" is about him making excuses, not that he is being tested, we all know that players get tested.

As for the coincidence that Luongo was in net, that was decided before hand.


Yeah ok. Luckily I was able to avoid a heart failure. I will renew my sedative perscription and not lose any more sleep over this issue.

Having worked in the media a few years ago, I still find it sad but really hillarious to see the overreaction when people blow things out of proportion or take things out of context.
Le Golie said:

Yeah ok. Luckily I was able to avoid a heart failure. I will renew my sedative perscription and not lose any more sleep over this issue.

Having worked in the media a few years ago, I still find it sad but really hillarious to see the overreaction when people blow things out of proportion or take things out of context.

Valium and trazodne work good.
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