What was the expectation of Demko? His whole season numbers, .915% or his numbers under Bruce .928%? His numbers under Bruce weren't a realistic expectation. He has never had a save % over .915.
EDIT: Just to clarify, when I said a minor decline could be expected, that was in relation to his numbers under Bruce.
I don't really have much of a dog in the race, but I'll freestyle off this comment...
Demko undoubtedly whilst he was active is or was having a shit year. However, he's really the least of my personal concern. He's been below average, but it has really highlighted what's wrong about the team, and the rub is that Rutherford is right. The team has had zero structure in their play. I like jazz enough as the next guy, and I like jazz in the NHL, but too much doesn't work. It's like pond hockey out there most nights, is what I mean. Where's the orchestra?
I really don't like man-to-man coverage, which is what we ended up playing most nights under Bruce. My theory is that error has everything to do with our group as it did Bruce. Is that correct? No idea, it's why it's a theory. You play man-to-man in beer league. Why? It's simple. Everyone knows their assignment. Limited communication. But it's easily broken down when you move bodies around, use passive screening and lots of E-W passing. I don't know. Oh Rev, you're rambling. I know. If you throw enough shit at the wall, you're bound to break through.
The long and the short of it, is that every missed assignment, every half-assed backcheck, every split second of hesitation, are all ending up in the back of our net. This team can't defend. Under Green, near the end, we played a more conservative game but we still looked bad in our end. Under Bruce, we freewheeled and looked bad. At what point do we realize that building from the net out has merit? Why do I look at our forwards and know there is something there, look at our goaltending and know there's something there, and why do we keep sucking?
Our defense is straight trash. Like I see Hughes, Schenn, and Bear who bring more to the table then they leave behind, and then I see 2 massive anchors and a bunch of guys who are "eh" at best. We f***ed our defense right up...almost every single year under Benning. And we are paying for it. Our forward group can't play defense really but it's passable enough with an average corps. But we don't have that. And I'd jettison OEL in a f***ing space probe for my left nut in an instant.