A+ job by PA/JR to distract everyone from their absolute shit tier job on the d this summer. Throwing JT/EP under the bus, into trade rumours and publicly roasting both of them successfully drew almost all the media attention away from a total failure of a summer on d. Might end up with JT demanding out and having to trade him for a bag of pucks as a result.
1 top 4 dman brought in over 3 full years. Day 1 the defense was the biggest problem and today it is still, by far, the biggest problem.
They've proven they can make a lot of changes in a hurry but they've also proven they can sit on their hands for a looooong time watching a dumpster fire burn and opportunity pass them by.
Another thing they have achieved is one more year to evaluate this group. They say I think, but their thinking hasn't been on par with even some of the long term intelligent posters
Even me, a dumbassed idiot poster that "guessed" back in October when Demko would return, well within 2 weeks when they were saying soon and that there was a good chance, better than good this season would resemble the 2016 season. I must have seen something.
I mean they were fine last year, Allvin finished 2nd in GM of the year voting lol.
Often a great goalie makes a difference, giving Rutherford credit they rebuilt the defence and stole a top 4 dman to add to the mix. The team had the 5th best defence in the league despite Tocchet benching the skil players. He got the Adams as a result. If it was for fixing problems then why isn't he now.
The train is rolling out of the station in Tradesville. The longer these games go on the easier it is to forget last year's career accomplishments by some players.
They have (rumored) turned down some offers because they think, remember what they thought at the beginning and recently of this group. Wait and see. I think they can still be a playoff team.
I am sure they thought or Allvin thought that one playoff appearance was enough and the markets would be patient for another year or two.
Even now allowing the rumors to stagnate isn't endearing fan interest or trade asset value. Soon they will have to keep everyone because they think, THINK any return isn't enough and then they will push it to the end of the year, summer and have another year to see what they have.
Miller and Petterson were the two hot commodities with Boeser in the top five, now a rumored Demko idea.
Well the Islanders might enter the trade market reducing the value of some of these declining assets even more, then there could be another team and another so on and so forth until the returns will be embarrassing.
These are job defining mistakes.
The Adam's winning coach doesn't know what to do.
The GM misread the market, fan market and player market in trying to hit a home run to makeup for incompetence.
It is becoming more and more clear that Allvin is in over his head or has some twisted understanding of this market and is treating it like a market where hockey is #3 or #4.
IF he was using trade threats to motivate players like he did with Pettersson to get him to sign before he wanted to then he really failed there.
AND if the is or was a confrontation between Miller and Tocchet, which is my "opinion" now being chatted about every now and then AND if Miller has decided he will refuse ALL trades (which has also been said on a show but not the next part) until the coach goes, which Crosby did and McDavid and other star players then trading others might be the way. Of course if that was the case Allvin cannot let the mob rule the roost all the way to his own demise.
A team cannot have a GM that is afraid and Allvin acts afraid to make another huge mistake.
What if Miller has simply said "I'll show up, play the game but to get rid of me you will need to buy me out" that isn't way out there after all they bought out OEL and he is reaping the benefits of being paid 4.75 mil plus what the other teams are paying him. Financially it makes great sense for Miller and then he can choose wherever he wants to go at a discounted price and stick it the team for embarrassing him or not doing something they said they would do.
You have heard that Pettersson has to grow up in public, I'm sure that did wonders in a relationship, that the players are "committed" to playing here. Well that is the exact same as saying they are contracted. One way makes it sound like they are enthusiastic and the other they have no choice.