Lost human cilvilizations?

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It's clearly possible, I'm not sure what this even means lol. Just not possible to carve perfectly symmetrical statues or carve out 15 ton granite blocks/beams and carry them 1000 feet away and then elevate them over 400 feet up, using the methods suggested, especially by "simple farmers"

How did that civilization build those great structures and incorporate so much math and astronomy in them and then completely forget how to make them ? All of the pyramids built after the great one demonstrate a significantly lower skill level.

Again if they made those things with hand tools as people are suggesting, why can it not be replicated today?

Even for arguments sake, lets agree sure that the pyramid is 4000-5000 years old, the methods suggested still aren't viable to explain how it was built.

My main point was this, that Hancock raises some really good questions. Not even saying I fully believe his theory but when you look at evidence, like the precipitation induced weathering on the stones (when it hasn't rained in that region since the last ice age) how can you believe it was simply built by farmers using stones and hand tools 4000 years ago?

There are multiple ancient structures which all seem to have been abandoned at approximately the same time period, (roughly 12000 years ago) that are extremely sophisticated that we cannot reconstruct today.

Now even if you believe in coincidences, let's agree that it was all an accident for arguments sake. What do you think the actual probability of all of these things being true is ?

1) Simple farmers with hand/stone tools cut 2.3 million, 5-15 ton granite blocks, carried them from over 1000 feet away and built the pyramid, elevating the stones nearly 500 feet.

2) The Sphinx/Pyramid were built to line up with the equinox. The sun seems to set on the Sphinx's right shoulder on the equinox

3) A solar year has 86400 seconds, 2 equinoxes (43200 seconds per equinox) The exact height of the Pyramid multiplied by the amount of seconds in an equinox (43200) equals exactly the circumference of the earth

4) The sides of the pyramid are perfectly aligned with the True North and all the cardinal directions, perfectly

5) Many pyramids crumble because of the angle they're built on, it was built on 51 degrees which provides the maximum stability for a pyramid structure

6) The base of the pyramid is perfectly squared. If you've done any sort of work with interlocking, you'll know you need to use Pythagorean to square the structure to make sure it aligns properly. I did very basic work for some years and we always did A2 x B2 = C2 and moved in sections to make sure it aligns properly.
So obviously the people who built it had a strong understanding of math

7) The latitude of where the Pyramid is placed = the speed of light, just the decimal moved over. 29.9792458 N vs 299,792,458 m/s

8) The erosion on the stones is consistent with that of weathering from heavy rainfall

But simple farmers built it 4000 years ago and there's no record of it and they forgot how to do it ?
Maybe it's that your first notion, that these were simple farmers is incorrect. It certainly seems contradictory regardless. Either these people ~5,000 years ago were simple farmers with simple tools or there were advanced civilizations building them? It seems like a major contradiction to me.

I think what @Bocephus86 said is correct, people underestimate human capabilities. People have difficulty relating our current lives and place in the timeline of humanity's existence with the past. Human beings were not remarkably more or less capable of anything even thousands of years ago. The biggest difference we see is technological knowledge built on successive centuries and millennia over time.

CHANCES ARE that human brains were then what they are now, incredibly adept at problem-solving, creativity, ingenuity, etc...So they figured out how to solve problems then much like we do now.

If you're wondering why there was a major lull in production, well you can look at recent times for examples of that as well. There are major cultural changes, governance changes, ecological changes, etc...that dictate whether or not these things are prioritized. Egyptian society was collapsing right around the time Alexander the Great rolled through. The Nile was drying up and the Egyptians, over time, somehow forgot or didn't know effective agricultural and irrigation techniques. Civilizations rise and fall via completely verifiable reasons throughout history. There's no reason to think there was some advanced society we're miraculously unaware of that was responsible for things we don't' have full answers for. It's completely sensationalist and guys like Hancock and Carlsson make a profit off of it.

You want to talk about "big money" in science? Where's the billion dollar industry behind archaeology? Where's the profit motive? Because it seems to me the people profiting from this currently are Graham Hancock and Randle Carlsson with their alternative theories.
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Maybe it's that your first notion, that these were simple farmers is incorrect. It certainly seems contradictory regardless. Either these people ~5,000 years ago were simple farmers with simple tools or there were advanced civilizations building them? It seems like a major contradiction to me.

I think what @Bocephus86 said is correct, people underestimate human capabilities. People have difficulty relating our current lives and place in the timeline of humanity's existence with the past. Human beings were not remarkably more or less capable of anything even thousands of years ago. The biggest difference we see is technological knowledge built on successive centuries and millennia over time.

CHANCES ARE that human brains were then what they are now, incredibly adept at problem-solving, creativity, ingenuity, etc...So they figured out how to solve problems then much like we do now.

If you're wondering why there was a major lull in production, well you can look at recent times for examples of that as well. There are major cultural changes, governance changes, ecological changes, etc...that dictate whether or not these things are prioritized. Egyptian society was collapsing right around the time Alexander the Great rolled through. The Nile was drying up and the Egyptians, over time, somehow forgot or didn't know effective agricultural and irrigation techniques. Civilizations rise and fall via completely verifiable reasons throughout history. There's no reason to think there was some advanced society we're miraculously unaware of that was responsible for things we don't' have full answers for. It's completely sensationalist and guys like Hancock and Carlsson make a profit off of it.

You want to talk about "big money" in science? Where's the billion dollar industry behind archaeology? Where's the profit motive? Because it seems to me the people profiting from this currently are Graham Hancock and Randle Carlsson with their alternative theories.
All I know about archeology is that its a big money industry where they figure out how the ancient celts made stone henge and now they are millionaires. It's so easy to see how understanding that ancient Elephant skulls being found by ancient greeks proves that cyclopse is real. I've seen irrigation that is at least 8 thousands years ago that has to be unknown. What? It's not unknown? No, I am so high on my own supply that I think its impossible. The best part? It's so long ago there isnt written notes that say any different. There is no written record at all, but that's not important right now.
Maybe it's that your first notion, that these were simple farmers is incorrect. It certainly seems contradictory regardless. Either these people ~5,000 years ago were simple farmers with simple tools or there were advanced civilizations building them? It seems like a major contradiction to me.

I think what @Bocephus86 said is correct, people underestimate human capabilities. People have difficulty relating our current lives and place in the timeline of humanity's existence with the past. Human beings were not remarkably more or less capable of anything even thousands of years ago. The biggest difference we see is technological knowledge built on successive centuries and millennia over time.

CHANCES ARE that human brains were then what they are now, incredibly adept at problem-solving, creativity, ingenuity, etc...So they figured out how to solve problems then much like we do now.

If you're wondering why there was a major lull in production, well you can look at recent times for examples of that as well. There are major cultural changes, governance changes, ecological changes, etc...that dictate whether or not these things are prioritized. Egyptian society was collapsing right around the time Alexander the Great rolled through. The Nile was drying up and the Egyptians, over time, somehow forgot or didn't know effective agricultural and irrigation techniques. Civilizations rise and fall via completely verifiable reasons throughout history. There's no reason to think there was some advanced society we're miraculously unaware of that was responsible for things we don't' have full answers for. It's completely sensationalist and guys like Hancock and Carlsson make a profit off of it.

You want to talk about "big money" in science? Where's the billion dollar industry behind archaeology? Where's the profit motive? Because it seems to me the people profiting from this currently are Graham Hancock and Randle Carlsson with their alternative theories.
I was quoting the OP when I said simple farmers (it was not my notion), he said that the evidence says that it was simple farmers who settled ancient Egypt 4000-5000 years ago. Given how many mathematical calculations were made in building it + it's relation to astronomy, we know it wasn't "simple farmers" rather people who had a great understanding of our world. I don't deny that it was a very advanced group of humans that built it, I don't think we are anywhere near the level of sophistication they were at. I just don't buy the hypothesis that it was the ancient Egyptians of 4000-5000 years ago, who suddenly just forgot all their history about how and when they built the pyramid and it was never verbally passed down, nor was it explained to the Greeks who interacted with them.

Let's assume for a second that the 4000-5000 year old hypothesis is correct, it still doesn't explain the weathering that's been caused by rainfall, considering it wasn't raining heavily at that time period.

I fully agree humans are capable of many things, and I do believe the ancient people were very likely more sophisticated and advanced than us. However we know from ancient Greek history that they interacted a lot with the Egyptians, there are zero accounts for how those structures were built. Also all the subsequent pyramids that were built were significantly worse in quality and workmanship than the great one. So we're suggesting that they forgot or got significantly worse in building ?

As for the profit motive, now I am not saying this is the case. However, if there was a significantly more efficient way to build, or say move heavy objects, or a significantly cheaper energy alternative, do you think the giant corporations and industries who's assets are valued in the billions would want that alternative to become a reality and used everyday? From a business standpoint, absolutely not. Why would you want your product or assets value to diminish and be replaced by a better alternative. Let's say you're a massive oil company that is worth billions and profits billions off of peoples reliance on oil. Then an alternative is discovered that renders your product obsolete, what is that corporations stance on the introduction of that new product in the market? They will act in their own interest, which is to suppress the new product/technology or whatever you want to call it.

My Covid vaccine example was a prime example of this, we know big pharma was censoring doctors and people who were giving people alternatives which were extremely effective and even more effective than the vaccine. We now know they were intentionally being censored by the US government and big Pharma. Why ? If there is a cheaper alternative, which is easily accessible, your product is essentially worthless.

We also know they were censoring doctors or anyone who said that there actual health risks to taking the Vaccine but most of us took it anyways, why ? Because the people speaking out were silenced. Again why ? Profit.

I don't necessarily think archaeologists are making money off pushing certain narratives. But I do know if there was a technology or method to say move heavy objects or if there was an easily accessible form of energy in abundance, it would make a lot of these billion dollar corporations who we rely on for energy/machinery go bankrupt, as their product is replaced with a much more efficient alternative.

Given what we know happened over the last 5 years, I have a hard time believing these billion dollar corporations are acting in our best interest, but rather they are operating as what they are, which is a business. If what you're selling isn't a need anymore, guess what ? You're out of business.

If someone was to discover a technique or method to make things like energy more accessible and cheaper for the public, guess what ? You're screwed.

So what do I think ? billion dollar corporations have a LOT to lose if people discovered a superior alternative to the product they're selling, the product that allows our civilization to operate as it does. So if you need an incentive as to why archaeology or archaeologists might push a certain narrative, there it is. Not saying that, that is the case but if you want a reason why someone would be against discovering a lost technology, there it is.

Usually when big tech or big pharma tries to silence people that oppose them or people that provide alternatives to their product, there is a reason, 99.999 percent of the time the reason is money.

But in simple terms, here's what it is

1) There is literally no record anywhere of who built the pyramids and when, not from the ancient Egyptians who inhabited them nor the Greeks who were in contact with them and traded with them. When the people who lived there themselves had no story or explanation of they were built, it should raise some questions.

2) According to geologists specifically Schoch, the weathering on the stones is consistent with that, that occurs from thousands of years of heavy rainfall, not from wind/sand storms. We know it didn't rain in that region in that time period of 4000-5000 years ago, but it did around 12000 years ago. The weathering has vertical lines, not horizontal (consistent with weathering from rainfall, not sand or a rising water level)

3) There are several measurements incorporated in the Pyramid, that we know the ancient Egyptians of 5000 years ago didn't know. For example, the fact that you can calculate the circumference of the Earth using the math incorporated in the Pyramid. The Greeks figured it out 2300 ish years ago by comparing shadows in different locations, which helped them confirm that the earth is sphere and the size of it.

But archaeologists say it was just a crazy coincidence.

4) There is no record oral or written, or any physical evidence, of what could have been used to carry 15 ton granite blocks, 1000 feet and elevated to heights near 500 feet. It's simply not possible with just leverage. We're supposed to believe that these people just forgot how to move 15 ton blocks with "simple tools" ? The methods of cutting these stones and moving them that you guys are providing is not viable. I don't think you understand how heavy 15 tons are, and some of the blocks inside the pyramid are even up to 70 tons. But these people just forgot how to do that and never passed it down ?

Lets assume the ramp theory is correct, how strong does that ramp have to be, what is it made of, how long is it and what angle is it built on to support the ability to carry that much weight ? Also keep in mind, there are 2.3 million of these stones, it's not a small feat. And none of the methods suggested by conventional scientists makes sense.

5) The sphinx is a Lion, if you went back 12000 years ago, the sphinx would have been staring at the Leo (lion) constellation

It's just that there are so many "coincidences" but when you really look at it, what are the chances of all of these "coincidences" existing ? VS the idea that it was planned methodically and not just an accident.

The chances of all these crazy mathematical and astronomical coincidences ALL existing are literally a fraction of a percent. There is math used and math coded into the pyramid , that we KNOW the Egyptians of 4000-5000 years ago didn't know.

I think it is SIGNIFICANTLY more likely, that the great pyramid was a planned project. Planned with an understanding of math and our planet that we know they didn't have at that time. About a 99.999 percent chance it was planned vs things just being a coincidence. But when you say it was planned, then you ask the question, how did they know these things ? Answer, the Egyptians of 4000-5000 years ago didn't know some of these things (such as the size of the Earth), so then how do they exist in that time period ? Answer, it is pretty likely that they simply inhabited a structure/area that was already built. That's not to say they weren't an advanced civilization themselves.

It's just very difficult to believe the Egyptians of that time period are the ones who built it, there is a chance it was them but I think it's legitimately like 99999:1 odds when you consider what information they had vs what information is encoded in the actual structure.

You would have the be the luckiest person to have ever existed, to simply get all of those crazy "coincidences" incorporated into the pyramid by accient.
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Maybe it's that your first notion, that these were simple farmers is incorrect. It certainly seems contradictory regardless. Either these people ~5,000 years ago were simple farmers with simple tools or there were advanced civilizations building them? It seems like a major contradiction to me.

I think what @Bocephus86 said is correct, people underestimate human capabilities. People have difficulty relating our current lives and place in the timeline of humanity's existence with the past. Human beings were not remarkably more or less capable of anything even thousands of years ago. The biggest difference we see is technological knowledge built on successive centuries and millennia over time.

CHANCES ARE that human brains were then what they are now, incredibly adept at problem-solving, creativity, ingenuity, etc...So they figured out how to solve problems then much like we do now.

If you're wondering why there was a major lull in production, well you can look at recent times for examples of that as well. There are major cultural changes, governance changes, ecological changes, etc...that dictate whether or not these things are prioritized. Egyptian society was collapsing right around the time Alexander the Great rolled through. The Nile was drying up and the Egyptians, over time, somehow forgot or didn't know effective agricultural and irrigation techniques. Civilizations rise and fall via completely verifiable reasons throughout history. There's no reason to think there was some advanced society we're miraculously unaware of that was responsible for things we don't' have full answers for. It's completely sensationalist and guys like Hancock and Carlsson make a profit off of it.

You want to talk about "big money" in science? Where's the billion dollar industry behind archaeology? Where's the profit motive? Because it seems to me the people profiting from this currently are Graham Hancock and Randle Carlsson with their alternative theories.
The problem is we try to attribute what they did back then to what is possible today. Today we believe that they built all of these mega structures with hand tools and animals. Today we build skyscrapers with neither. Which is the greater feat, and in which time period are we judging?

Carlson bases his theory on only pier reviewed papers and field research. Hancock is on the ground researching cultures and looking for explanations between their ancient similarities. They make money to live off of but I don't think it makes either of them rich.

I appreciate their passion.
I was quoting the OP when I said simple farmers (it was not my notion), he said that the evidence says that it was simple farmers who settled ancient Egypt 4000-5000 years ago. Given how many mathematical calculations were made in building it + it's relation to astronomy, we know it wasn't "simple farmers" rather people who had a great understanding of our world. I don't deny that it was a very advanced group of humans that built it, I don't think we are anywhere near the level of sophistication they were at. I just don't buy the hypothesis that it was the ancient Egyptians of 4000-5000 years ago, who suddenly just forgot all their history about how and when they built the pyramid and it was never verbally passed down, nor was it explained to the Greeks who interacted with them.

Let's assume for a second that the 4000-5000 year old hypothesis is correct, it still doesn't explain the weathering that's been caused by rainfall, considering it wasn't raining heavily at that time period.

I fully agree humans are capable of many things, and I do believe the ancient people were very likely more sophisticated and advanced than us. However we know from ancient Greek history that they interacted a lot with the Egyptians, there are zero accounts for how those structures were built. Also all the subsequent pyramids that were built were significantly worse in quality and workmanship than the great one. So we're suggesting that they forgot or got significantly worse in building ?

As for the profit motive, now I am not saying this is the case. However, if there was a significantly more efficient way to build, or say move heavy objects, or a significantly cheaper energy alternative, do you think the giant corporations and industries who's assets are valued in the billions would want that alternative to become a reality and used everyday? From a business standpoint, absolutely not. Why would you want your product or assets value to diminish and be replaced by a better alternative. Let's say you're a massive oil company that is worth billions and profits billions off of peoples reliance on oil. Then an alternative is discovered that renders your product obsolete, what is that corporations stance on the introduction of that new product in the market? They will act in their own interest, which is to suppress the new product/technology or whatever you want to call it.

My Covid vaccine example was a prime example of this, we know big pharma was censoring doctors and people who were giving people alternatives which were extremely effective and even more effective than the vaccine. We now know they were intentionally being censored by the US government and big Pharma. Why ? If there is a cheaper alternative, which is easily accessible, your product is essentially worthless.

We also know they were censoring doctors or anyone who said that there actual health risks to taking the Vaccine but most of us took it anyways, why ? Because the people speaking out were silenced. Again why ? Profit.

I don't necessarily think archaeologists are making money off pushing certain narratives. But I do know if there was a technology or method to say move heavy objects or if there was an easily accessible form of energy in abundance, it would make a lot of these billion dollar corporations who we rely on for energy/machinery go bankrupt, as their product is replaced with a much more efficient alternative.

Given what we know happened over the last 5 years, I have a hard time believing these billion dollar corporations are acting in our best interest, but rather they are operating as what they are, which is a business. If what you're selling isn't a need anymore, guess what ? You're out of business.

If someone was to discover a technique or method to make things like energy more accessible and cheaper for the public, guess what ? You're screwed.

So what do I think ? billion dollar corporations have a LOT to lose if people discovered a superior alternative to the product they're selling, the product that allows our civilization to operate as it does. So if you need an incentive as to why archaeology or archaeologists might push a certain narrative, there it is. Not saying that, that is the case but if you want a reason why someone would be against discovering a lost technology, there it is.

Usually when big tech or big pharma tries to silence people that oppose them or people that provide alternatives to their product, there is a reason, 99.999 percent of the time the reason is money.

But in simple terms, here's what it is

1) There is literally no record anywhere of who built the pyramids and when, not from the ancient Egyptians who inhabited them nor the Greeks who were in contact with them and traded with them. When the people who lived there themselves had no story or explanation of they were built, it should raise some questions.

2) According to geologists specifically Schoch, the weathering on the stones is consistent with that, that occurs from thousands of years of heavy rainfall, not from wind/sand storms. We know it didn't rain in that region in that time period of 4000-5000 years ago, but it did around 12000 years ago. The weathering has vertical lines, not horizontal (consistent with weathering from rainfall, not sand or a rising water level)

3) There are several measurements incorporated in the Pyramid, that we know the ancient Egyptians of 5000 years ago didn't know. For example, the fact that you can calculate the circumference of the Earth using the math incorporated in the Pyramid. The Greeks figured it out 2300 ish years ago by comparing shadows in different locations, which helped them confirm that the earth is sphere and the size of it.

But archaeologists say it was just a crazy coincidence.

4) There is no record oral or written, or any physical evidence, of what could have been used to carry 15 ton granite blocks, 1000 feet and elevated to heights near 500 feet. It's simply not possible with just leverage. We're supposed to believe that these people just forgot how to move 15 ton blocks with "simple tools" ? The methods of cutting these stones and moving them that you guys are providing is not viable. I don't think you understand how heavy 15 tons are, and some of the blocks inside the pyramid are even up to 70 tons. But these people just forgot how to do that and never passed it down ?

Lets assume the ramp theory is correct, how strong does that ramp have to be, what is it made of, how long is it and what angle is it built on to support the ability to carry that much weight ? Also keep in mind, there are 2.3 million of these stones, it's not a small feat. And none of the methods suggested by conventional scientists makes sense.

5) The sphinx is a Lion, if you went back 12000 years ago, the sphinx would have been staring at the Leo (lion) constellation

It's just that there are so many "coincidences" but when you really look at it, what are the chances of all of these "coincidences" existing ? VS the idea that it was planned methodically and not just an accident.

The chances of all these crazy mathematical and astronomical coincidences ALL existing are literally a fraction of a percent. There is math used and math coded into the pyramid , that we KNOW the Egyptians of 4000-5000 years ago didn't know.

I think it is SIGNIFICANTLY more likely, that the great pyramid was a planned project. Planned with an understanding of math and our planet that we know they didn't have at that time. About a 99.999 percent chance it was planned vs things just being a coincidence. But when you say it was planned, then you ask the question, how did they know these things ? Answer, the Egyptians of 4000-5000 years ago didn't know some of these things (such as the size of the Earth), so then how do they exist in that time period ? Answer, it is pretty likely that they simply inhabited a structure/area that was already built. That's not to say they weren't an advanced civilization themselves.

It's just very difficult to believe the Egyptians of that time period are the ones who built it, there is a chance it was them but I think it's legitimately like 99999:1 odds when you consider what information they had vs what information is encoded in the actual structure.

You would have the be the luckiest person to have ever existed, to simply get all of those crazy "coincidences" incorporated into the pyramid by accient.
I appreciate the effort you put into your post. My main questions to you would be, 1) What benefit does the consensus archeological community get from suppressing ideas postulated by people like Hancock? 2) What are the archeological community's rebuttals to these contrarian ideas?

I'm not an expert in this at all. I really just heard snippets of a podcast or two. However I'm generally a believer in appealing to authority about things I don't understand and I know Hancock in particular doesn't debate his ideas formally, citing narrow-mindedness and unfairness on the other side. Why should I listen to someone with a Netflix documentary as opposed to the educational and professional consensus most of the world has come to understand and agree on based on hundreds and thousands of years of research and studying?
The problem is we try to attribute what they did back then to what is possible today. Today we believe that they built all of these mega structures with hand tools and animals. Today we build skyscrapers with neither. Which is the greater feat, and in which time period are we judging?

Carlson bases his theory on only pier reviewed papers and field research. Hancock is on the ground researching cultures and looking for explanations between their ancient similarities. They make money to live off of but I don't think it makes either of them rich.

I appreciate their passion.
There's no competition necessary. We can only do the best in the time we're given. It's no more or less impressive that Greek philosophers speculated on the atom thousands of years before we formally discovered it than it is to detect gravitational waves millions of light years away. Technology advances slowly over time, collectively, shared through our species. Being able to pass down learned experience, techniques, specific knowledge, etc...is something very few creatures on earth possess. It's what separates us from lower forms of intelligent life.

Regardless it seems like going with Hancock's theory means you're assuming some incredibly advanced society was able to be wiped away by some flood with all of their technology and cultural practices being literally entirely destroyed. As we know from our current skyscrapers, any sort of advanced metal building would have survived in some capacity. So you have to believe some very strange things happened or we were basically visited by aliens who taught ancient humans how to build a pyramid.

I don't know what the appeal to this alternative viewpoint is for people, personally. I don't know where people get off thinking they know more than the people who've dedicated their lives to studying this aspect of our history. I don't know why people think there's a benefit to covering it up if the alternate history is in fact true.
I appreciate the effort you put into your post. My main questions to you would be, 1) What benefit does the consensus archeological community get from suppressing ideas postulated by people like Hancock? 2) What are the archeological community's rebuttals to these contrarian ideas?

I'm not an expert in this at all. I really just heard snippets of a podcast or two. However I'm generally a believer in appealing to authority about things I don't understand and I know Hancock in particular doesn't debate his ideas formally, citing narrow-mindedness and unfairness on the other side. Why should I listen to someone with a Netflix documentary as opposed to the educational and professional consensus most of the world has come to understand and agree on based on hundreds and thousands of years of research and studying?
It's hard for me to say conclusively that reason X is why they would like to suppress Hancock. But the main argument is that, everything that is taught in schools/universities on Egyptology and even other ancient cultures like the Maya, would be at stake. If Hancock was right or even semi-correct, it destroys their entire study or curriculum or whatever you call it. The would be the biggest downfall for them. They lose all credibility and would have to do a complete do over.

The archaeological community claims all of those math equations and calculations that were put into the pyramid were just an accident and a coincidence. But the actual chances of all of those calculations being incorporated all being an accident vs planned is like a fraction of a percentage of a chance. The base is completely square, we know the ancient Egyptians understood geometry and algebra, the Greeks even credited them for it. So the idea that they were "simple farmers" is false, they had an understanding of math. But even this extremely intelligent society from 4000-5000 years ago has no record on how the structures were built and even they were not able to recreate the great pyramid. We see the pyramids that the Egyptians of 4000-5000 years ago built and most of them have completely fallen apart, the difference in the quality of the work is massive.

Also we're always learning, at one point humans only existed for 10000 years according to science, then 50000, then 100000, now it's widely accepted that modern anatomical humans have been around for almost as long as 300,000 years. As more evidence is discovered we should be adjusting our views, like science always has, but for whatever reasons they refuse to when it comes to archaeology.

The statue of Ramses is just insane though, it is completely 100% symmetrical, we cannot achieve that with modern technology. But these ancient people just accidentally got it right ? And that with stone chisels and tools ? There's no way.

Even some of the ancient pottery that is discovered, the vases tops are completely perfect circles, so they understood math/geometry very well.

Just given all the crazy "coincidences" if you look at the odds, the odds of all of these things existing and being incorporated together as an accident vs being planned, is legitimately like 1:99999. If i'm a betting man i'm taking the 99999 lol

Then let's just say, we all agree that the Pyramids encoded math was by design and not an accident. Another question arises, which is. How did the ancient Egyptians of 4000-5000 years ago build these structures by design, given that we KNOW they didn't have access to the information that is encoded within it's structure, such as the circumference of the Earth ?

I appreciate the effort you put into your post. My main questions to you would be, 1) What benefit does the consensus archeological community get from suppressing ideas postulated by people like Hancock? 2) What are the archeological community's rebuttals to these contrarian ideas?

I'm not an expert in this at all. I really just heard snippets of a podcast or two. However I'm generally a believer in appealing to authority about things I don't understand and I know Hancock in particular doesn't debate his ideas formally, citing narrow-mindedness and unfairness on the other side. Why should I listen to someone with a Netflix documentary as opposed to the educational and professional consensus most of the world has come to understand and agree on based on hundreds and thousands of years of research and studying?

There's no competition necessary. We can only do the best in the time we're given. It's no more or less impressive that Greek philosophers speculated on the atom thousands of years before we formally discovered it than it is to detect gravitational waves millions of light years away. Technology advances slowly over time, collectively, shared through our species. Being able to pass down learned experience, techniques, specific knowledge, etc...is something very few creatures on earth possess. It's what separates us from lower forms of intelligent life.

Regardless it seems like going with Hancock's theory means you're assuming some incredibly advanced society was able to be wiped away by some flood with all of their technology and cultural practices being literally entirely destroyed. As we know from our current skyscrapers, any sort of advanced metal building would have survived in some capacity. So you have to believe some very strange things happened or we were basically visited by aliens who taught ancient humans how to build a pyramid.

I don't know what the appeal to this alternative viewpoint is for people, personally. I don't know where people get off thinking they know more than the people who've dedicated their lives to studying this aspect of our history. I don't know why people think there's a benefit to covering it up if the alternate history is in fact true.
Not incredibly advanced just different. I think the hypothesis they are presenting is more than just a flood. It is something that affected the whole planet and flooding is a part of it. The incredible spikes in temperature is the starting point. We have all been told that the Ice age melted over a long period of time, very slowly. With the available temperature records it clearly shows that at 2 points the earth went through a dramatic change. This change affected the climate, shorelines, megafauna, and potentially man. In one instance the planet was very cold and then abruptly over the span of a few hundred years warms up. this happens again 1500 years later where the effects are permanent. The question is what happened to cause that? Now if it was a gradual increase in temperature over 3000-4000 years then you could say the planet was coming out of the ice age slowly but this is different.

As we can see with the cities in south America that it doesn't take long for nature to consume great structures. I argue that not one struct we have build in the last 100 years could stand the test of time like the Pyramids of Egypt. There definitely would have been a learning curve will those past civilization decided to build these gigantic megaliths that would stand for thousands of years. Maybe the new how easily inferior constructions could be destroyed.

The Sphinx and the pyramid are both made out of lime stone and yet the Sphinx shows a vastly greater state of erosion. The difference of erosion from its head and body are extremely great also. The Sphinx has also been burried for long stretches of time which would have protected the body more than it is now. When it was dug out in the late 1800's you can see where the paws had been repaired. We know that the head was re-carved at least once, really it could have been redone 3 or 4 times considering the amount of erosion on the body and the size of the head.

As for massive floods, what would have caused those? Think of it this way, the earth passes through The Taurids meteor stream. 14,000 years ago it is possible that the earth was hit by many meteors over the span of 2000 years.

Depending on their sizes the destruction could be nuts. A meteor traveling 100,000 mph slamming into the earths crust would eject so much debris into the atmosphere. If it hit the ice sheets billions of gallons of vapor would be released into the atmosphere falling back down as the most violent rain fall(40 days & nights :eek3:). Gigantic boulders would be ejected, earthquakes, insane tidal waves. Those boulders and debris falling back to earth as fire balls?Could all of that disrupt the climate 12000-14000 years ago? If that destruction happened in North America it could explain the extinction of the megafauna. It wasn't until 1990 that they determined The Chicxulub crater was the reason for the extinction of the Dinosaurs.

He explains it very well
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it destroys their entire study or curriculum or whatever you call it. The would be the biggest downfall for them. They lose all credibility and would have to do a complete do over.
In no other field of science would this be a bad thing whatsoever. Not in the social sciences or economics either. Why is this unique to archeology? If anything this would allow the community as a whole to celebrate new discoveries, have fascinating lectures, write (and SELL) new literature on their findings. There's zero incentive for a conspiratorial cover up or a reluctance to embrace new information. It's entirely sensationalist.
at one point humans only existed for 10000 years according to science, then 50000, then 100000, now it's widely accepted that modern anatomical humans have been around for almost as long as 300,000 years. As more evidence is discovered we should be adjusting our views, like science always has, but for whatever reasons they refuse to when it comes to archaeology.
Case in point, science has always adjusted its views.
How did the ancient Egyptians of 4000-5000 years ago build these structures by design, given that we KNOW they didn't have access to the information that is encoded within it's structure, such as the circumference of the Earth ?

The Greeks figured it out about 2500 years ago, before telescopes, before elctricity, before all sorts of things. Eratosthenes, the guy who discovered it, in fact went to Egypt to prove his theory because of the land's unique relationship with the sun.

Point being, people have always been capable of incredible feats. Civilization as we've come to understand it has been around for about 12,000 years depending on the metric. That's 12,000 years of living and working together to solve problems and use the incredible aptitude our brains provide. Is it really all that surprising that the Egyptians happened to discover this before the Greeks? It's not even that interesting to me as it makes a ton of sense.
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In no other field of science would this be a bad thing whatsoever. Not in the social sciences or economics either. Why is this unique to archeology? If anything this would allow the community as a whole to celebrate new discoveries, have fascinating lectures, write (and SELL) new literature on their findings. There's zero incentive for a conspiratorial cover up or a reluctance to embrace new information. It's entirely sensationalist.

Case in point, science has always adjusted its views.

The Greeks figured it out about 2500 years ago, before telescopes, before elctricity, before all sorts of things. Eratosthenes, the guy who discovered it, in fact went to Egypt to prove his theory because of the land's unique relationship with the sun.

Point being, people have always been capable of incredible feats. Civilization as we've come to understand it has been around for about 12,000 years depending on the metric. That's 12,000 years of living and working together to solve problems and use the incredible aptitude our brains provide. Is it really all that surprising that the Egyptians happened to discover this before the Greeks? It's not even that interesting to me as it makes a ton of sense.
Science only changes it's view when the consensus changes. People base their careers on findings, publish books, teaching new generations.etc. If something comes along that challenges that you would hope that in the name of science they would accept it with open arms. This is rarely the case. It only when they die off that new ideas get a chance to breath.
@AvroArrow: Contemporary mathematics is largely abstract, for better or for worse, and true north, the latitude, etc. don't really address that. At best, that is applied mathematics, but some sort of advanced mathematics is what you seem to be insinuating is involved on the part of the ancient Egyptians. From what I can tell, the actual mathematics of pyramids is just Euclidean geometry, with some elementary algebra added in for contemporary understanding. For instance, frustums.

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... From what I can tell, the actual mathematics of pyramids is just Euclidean geometry, with some elementary algebra added in for contemporary understanding. For instance, frustums.
"frustums" are what an innocent reader of this thread will need to chew by the handsful to reduce reflux. 🤢
The Sumerian Cuneiform predates Hieroglyphs by 1000 years yet is of better quality of the first images of Hieroglyphs that have been found.

Hieroglyphs are a funny thing. They go from being primitive like to very skilled down to sloppy.

What's also interesting is that Sumer which also predates Egypt have similar structures to that of south America than anything resembling the great pyramids of Giza.

The first Ziggurats(south American style) where built around 4000 BC but the pyramids started being built are 2800 BC.

I think the pyramids and all of the surrounding mega structures around Egypt are older and that the Hieroglyphs and pharaohs came well after their creation.

Newly spotted asteroid has a tiny chance of hitting Earth in 2032​

First spotted last month by a telescope in Chile, the near-Earth asteroid — designated 2024 YR4 — is estimated to be 130 to 330 feet (40 to 100 meters) across.

Scientists are keeping close watch on the space rock, which is currently heading away from Earth. As the asteroid’s path around the sun becomes better understood, Chodas and others said there’s a good chance the risk to Earth could drop to zero.

The asteroid will gradually fade from view over the next few months, according to NASA and the European Space Agency. Until then, some of the world's most powerful telescopes will keep monitoring it to better determine its size and path. Once out of sight, it won't be visible until it passes our way again in 2028.

Earth gets clobbered by an asteroid this size every few thousand years, according to ESA, with the potential for severe damage. That's why this one now tops ESA's asteroid risk list.
Shouldn't we wait to see how 2032 turns out, before predicting the state of earthly monuments 30 centuries from now? :huh:
Naaaaaooooooooo. Where's the fun in that.

Thing is we have so much artificial trash that in 3 thousand years they might find some crap.

