That sound a little confusing for rve24, if they are called by the refs, got to be respected, if fans call it, nothing to be respected there is it.
On the big guy issue, no one can say Fastpace argue the refs 5 minute and game suspension, did not agree with it but respected, thats part of the game it human responding to plays seen on the ice and using already in place ruling, refs do not make rules. On the'league suspension, now thats a different storey, the rules are drawn there, they look at replays they see player standing unhurt and they see one player down hurt after a contact, case closed unhurt man guilty. Fastpace beef with the league is they are not serious about getting to the solution in preventing head injuries, why? If they did have the solution after so many years you'd think their punishment would have worked. Its not the referees faults for calling what is in the rules to follow, the league could change all that if they really were serious about head injuries. Is Fastpace criticising or questioning referee calls, no, is Fastpace criticising league rules. yes, is done, no, Fastpace is not making new rules, he is questioning the league old rules. Is rve24 still confused?