This is how getting very comfortable looks. We saw it with the Muskoka Five.
I recall doing some volunteer work for a level of government I shall not name many moons ago. There was a guy sleeping at his desk. Sleeping!
All the other uninspired subjects laughed at the sight, "there's Joe again, having a snore". Man is making more money than most, has a gold plated pension and benefits and he emboldened enough to sleep on the tax payers (suckers) dime.
I won't ever forget it because there comes a time when mediocrity becomes acceptable and the other plebs protect their favourite snorer "You know Joe is a great worker on Wednesdays, he just can't handle crunch-time Mondays". If he was running his own business he would not be sleeping and anything but success would be unacceptable.
Well, the Leafs can print money. They like a nice, safe, undramatic team. The players eventually desire that same, safe, happy, nice workplace. Success or failure the contracts are guaranteed and they just want the same gang together since everyone gets along.
I'd rather a team that does NOT get along, but that get's it done.