I am not blaming anything on the goalies. I am giving credit to guys who have played better. More than that, I was talking about the 30+ save shutout Hasek got against the favored Russians in the gold medal game.
It is called giving credit where credit is due. YOU are just looking for a problem, likely because of a feeling of inferiority about whatever team you cheer for.
As far as Canada goes, they will always ice the most talented team on paper, but that does not mean they are guaranteed a win. Lots of other factors, including what I mentioned - stand-out games from the most important position vs an average game at that position, and you will not win, no matter who your forwards or d-men are. All things being equal, it is Canada's tourney to lose (which is entirely possible). If you do not agree that Canada sends the most stacked team on paper, go ahead and disagree. You and sixty-seven other people (dreamers) who agree with you worldwide can talk about your stance.
Hasek was brilliant in those Olympics. From Wikipedia: Thanks to the goaltending of Dominik Hašek, who was considered the best goaltender throughout Olympic play as well as the NHL, the Czech Republic shut out Russia to win the gold medal.