I hope they are able to move forward but I said it from Day 1 that the NCC was going to trip over itself on this one and that the obstacles are like a minefield in east Ukraine. There was no reason for optimism going back nearly a decade now
I'm guessing the hang up is that the NCC is putting a valuation on the land based on the master plan. The SENS are valuing it based on bare land. That's a big gap.
The NCC is digging itself into a hole here. Forget the arena for a second, Andlauer should be concerned about them not moving quick enough on everything else and that the Sens, should they build, will end up with an arena in the middle of an empty brownfield weed infested urban acreage. The longer the NCC drags this out with Andlauer the more reason Andlauer has to believe they won't get sh1t done quickly on any other land deals at Lebreton. He will not and should not build alone, he needs guarantees the community development is going to keep up. No guarantees will come.
This is so on script for the NCC and Lebreton. Small reminder, the original RFP was issued 10 years ago. Seems like they are a few months away from botching this and they'll be back at square one and ANOTHER DECADE will have passed and they will be no closer than they were in the 1960's from doing anything with that land.
The only good news in all of this is that I am sure talks are ongoing behind closed doors with Sutcliffe and that back up sites are being kicked around simultaneously and the day they announce that they aren't working with the NCC is the same day they announce they are working with the City.
I hope I'm wrong. I was just at Climate Pledge Arena and the main feature is that it is sunken down and has a low roof line and the main concourse is essentially at street level, ice level is way below. It is so cool and really successful for crowd movement and accessibility. The topography at Lebreton would allow for a similar design.