I’m trying to help, just a fan voice. He’s a good bartender but a terrible D.J. What he’s serving I like, his hockey is excellent for the eyeballs. Andlauer brings an atmosphere around the team I find is fuzzy, the arena stuff is a constant nightmare, talking about the 1st round pick all the time, the OHL stuff I just found weird and you need a phoney hat to explain it to us why does this have to be weird it’s just an OHL team going to a good Canadian family shouldn’t need a map and a numbered hat to figure out why, and I found he committed the fat-head cardinal sin he came down from Toronto to tell us how great it is - don’t feel sorry for the city of Ottawa because Ottawa doesn’t need a hand up from Toronto, Toronto needs to stop taking itself so seriously it’s just a big city with nothing else going on, it has nothing to brag about except shits open late. The reason it could shut down for Taylor is because there’s nothing going on that matters, you can just shut it down in the middle of the day and nothing happens. it’s just 4 million people crammed together in small apartments who have better take out options then you, it’s not special. I love what Green and Staois and everyone below those two is doing, I find Andlauer is trying to be someone he’s not. He’s just a kid from NDG who bought a hockey team somehow, that’s enough for me just give it to me straight and Ottawa doesn’t need help from Toronto being something it doesn’t want to be.
What I would like is a franchise that doesn’t seem to living on a cliff edge all the time. check out being a Hab’s fan, theres not a constant drip off storm clouds with that team.There tons of drama around the team but it’s not board room stuff, you never hear about boardroom in Winnipeg or Vancouver, Ottawa the Sens boardroom is always there being played out by the owner. bad boardroom news…I don’t want to hear about it. just Buy private land and just build an arena there illegally the fans will understand Andlauers from Montreal use your mob connections to build it and the traffic cops can’t stop a determined construction team it’ll all over over by next winter