Man she's a helluva singer, you want someone like that old turd in Boston with his dumbass fist pumps?Why cant we get a real singer
Don't know the reason but I'm glad they don't.I just noticed... Why does TSN never show the anthem???
I just noticed... Why does TSN never show the anthem???
I wasn't bitching about you nor were you "ruining my enjoyment" of these boards for me. But seriously, I was probably a bit rude so sorry for that, but you honestly don't have to watch it. If people want to talk about issues or honour people/events that have nothing to do with me or I have no interest, then why does it matter to me as long the puck is dropped?Why do you feel the need to bitch about me then? Just ignore me.Problem solved.
I can but it seems a little quiet...Can you guys hear the play by play?
Love it.No commentators? Hahahaha