Let me turn that sad face into a happy face...
it's charlio!
it's charlio!
Oh boy.
london scores!!! Good, i pretty much went all in on them. Bet like 24500 on them, have 3k on oshawa as well.
So nervous, just applied to three colleges..Damn application fee was $95
Thanks for the concern guys. Appreciate it. Been taking some meds and resting. Hope to get better soon.
Anybody doing anything tonight?
Thanks for the concern guys. Appreciate it. Been taking some meds and resting. Hope to get better soon.
I went all in on them (almost) because they are playing Ottawa who is in last place and just traded away a bunch of their better players (Ceci being one of them).
Good luck. What were you applying for?
I think I'm getting liquored up.
SS2, you hugged him too hard. Now he's dead.
I went all in on them (almost) because they are playing Ottawa who is in last place and just traded away a bunch of their better players (Ceci being one of them).
Good luck. What were you applying for?
Hope you feel better, and get rid of what Hurts you.no but srs I hope you get better.
Advertising & Design @ Humber, Bachelors of Design @ Sheridan, and Graphic Design @ George Brown. The Sheridan one is probably the most advanced, it's four years. The thing with this field is they can't accept me until I go in for an interview where I show my portfolio / sketchbook.
The odds were surprisingly good so I put 62000 on them