*Congrats Hutch, a solid game.
*Congrats Gally, nice to see you get your first.
*Congrats JT, nice to see you rewarded for a well played game.
*AM, not your best, but you're you, so congrats.
*Mr. MoRiels, good on ya.
*I'd say Simmonds best period since he came back was the 3rd tonight, good to see, as was his embrace of Hutch after the game...a team player all the way!
*I keep getting surprised by it, but Bogosian is a much better skater than I expect.
*By no means a great game, but there's a growing confidence in this group when playing late in the 3rd. Their positioning is so much better, especially when Rittich was pulled.
I hate commenting on the commentators - it ain't an easy job - but would somebody please put a sock in Cassie Campbell's mouth, she's intolerable. Her ability to state the obvious is her greatest skill, other than her non-ability to shut-up. Young lady, I will encourage your efforts to be a part of the Sportsnet package and I applaud your playing career, but give us a break, shut the puck up!