Alamo Leafer
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Just love that hit!
Please keep Sandin in the line up.
I'm lovin this kid each time I see him on the ice. Just don't get injured please.
Just love that hit!
Please keep Sandin in the line up.
Really what game are you watching?
The secret is to turn ON the tvMatthews has been invisible so far from what I've seen.
Sandin decided to hit rather than be hit. Was as clean as clean can be.feel bad for wheeler but i cant call that a dirty hit when it was a routine play by a small, non dirty player and wheeler put himself in a vulnerable position. I dont want to hear anyone use the 'wheeler just had a concussion' as some sort or narrative against sandin, its not relevant.
Atta boy Sandin. Goes with my last post, Sandin would be great with Bogosian. I like Dermott, and Sandin is going to overtake him in a hurry. That's just a smart hockey play. Big power forward coming in on you, in that dangerous space between the boards. Good on you Sandin and good job dropping the flippers to answer regardless of if it's a real fight or not. Oh, and we got a PP. Things are turning up a notch now. Let's see what the boys are made of. Playoffs can't come soon enough
Someone please make a "Sandin's dirty hit on Wheeler" thread on the main board, quick.
Yes they can. And Jets will continue to do so with impunity.You can't go hitting our captain like that
Sticking up for a teammate is not being a Moron - no matter what team you cheer for !