Phil Housley scored 19 goals,47 assists in 77 games as a 18 year old having only played in the USHS-MN for 2 years...
BTW, like Quin, Phil also played in the WC&WJC before his rookie season...both 5 foot 10, around 175 pounds, both Americans
Phil was 6th overall, Quinn 7th overall....
I know all (most) of you are joking and what not about how Quinn's rookie season will fold, above this post,
but,...i think,most of you guys will be blown out of your gaskets when you see how ready Quinn was
to the NHL and how quickly he took the NHL by storm, many are drooling over Dahlin yet sleeping on Hughes.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Hughes scores 10+goals, 35-45 assists in his rookie season,
he is just so ready to play in the NHL , its all over on him.
Well, this is my take on this, lets all see how it all pans out, was i right, or wrong