A shift-by-shift is not going to tell me anything valuable? Excuse me? Shift-by-shift videos are possibly the best way to evaluate a prospect because you see almost everything and can rewind however many times you want to fully understand how a play/situation developed. Watching games in real time (whether on video or live) you miss an incredible amount of information. I've scouted in the past and there were many times I went to games and scribbled down notes on what happened in the game, just to come home, re-watch the game on video and realize that many situations that I thought happened a certain way actually didn't. The eye and brain just can't process that much information simultaneously. That's why shift-by-shift (and video in general) is so extremely valuable.
If you think Byram is a verifiably
bad skater - and the bolded are your words, not mine - then the eye and the brain aren't processing
any information simultaneously. He blows by opponents on a regular basis and his ability to create offense with his feet and hands is unmatched by any other defender in this draft. He misdirects opponents with his edgework, and he walks the blueline with ease on a regular basis. Those are not things that a bad skater does, the two are simply incompatible.
In the case of Byram, I strongly feel that you are misrepresenting the kid's game, because you have pointed out a number of 'weaknesses' that many regular WHL viewers would point to as strengths in his game. The fact that you think he can't identify outlets is just completely, verifiably, off-base. For one. The bad skating thing is a second strike. The Reinhart comparison (PS: Reinhart was a stud defensively in Jr - while you've repeatedly said Byram is 'bad' - not sure if that helps your position the way you feel it may) comes in as the 3rd strike against your position. I cannot think of two players in more diametric opposition than those two.
The last player who was this good at 17 in the WHL was Provorov. Before that, it was Rielly. And Jones just before that. All 3 of those are top pairing, verifiable stud NHL d-men. Does that mean Byram
will be a stud? Of course not. But all signs are pointing to that happening.
To my point about shift-by-shift videos:
You can't analyze a player's whole game off of shift-by-shift videos - they should be a secondary tool, not your primary means of assessment. They are helpful, to confirm, or deny, certain specific questions about a player. But if you aren't watching games regularly, you don't know what you are talking about - with all due respect. I think you are quite a knowledgeable poster 99% of the time, for what that's worth.
I'll ask you this - have you watched the Giants in the playoffs? Or, how about in more than 10 games
this season? If the answer is no, I think I'll leave it at - let's agree to disagree on this one. We can revisit who is right in 3, or 5 years time.