The Marksman (2021) - 4/10 (Disliked it)
A rancher along the US-Mexico border (Liam Neeson) helps a Mexican boy evade the cartel and reach family. I've liked just about every formulaic Neeson action film, but this one really tested my charity. First of all, there isn't much action. You'd expect a film called
The Marksman to at least have a lot of shooting, but Neeson fires only a few shots at the beginning and then several more during the standoff at the end. In between is an hour of road trip drama without much action, just Neeson and the kid getting to know each other while outrunning the cartel. Second, very little makes sense. One minute, Neeson's character is ratting out the positions of illegals to Border Patrol and, the next, he's personally driving an illegal kid from Arizona to Chicago (without even packing for the trip). Also, he has a large bag of the cartel's cash with him, but the cartel doesn't seem to know it, and he repeatedly makes dumb decisions that help them to catch up to him. That and the fact that he's always barking orders at the kid like a grumpy grandpa who got stuck with babysitter duty made him a little hard to like, in spite of Neeson usually being likable and the writers really trying to make him sympathetic by having him be widowed and on the verge of losing his home, among other things. In short, the writing is pretty bad, even for this kind of movie. There's also almost no humor that might offset the dullness, unless you count the tough, ruthless, cartel boss wearing the tiniest-sized Bandaid on his cheek all of the time. Without much action or humor, the movie is more of a drama about the relationship between the old man and the boy, which didn't feel believable or deep enough. Overall, the movie passed the time, but I found it disappointing as someone who likes just about every one of Liam Neeson's formulaic action movies. Other Neeson fans may care to watch it eventually, but I recommend waiting until it's a lot cheaper. Edit: By the way, don't you just love when a screencap sums up a movie?