Check dein Limit
Hey folks! No, I'm not dead. Just back from my long, enforced vacation from this site that I'm not allowed to talk about. Not that there's much to say, just that there's a certain team forum I'll be spending a lot less time on moving forwards now that I'm allowed back. And I'm of course being presumptuous enough to think the 40 page limit is still sorta a thing; not about to go through the last thread to find out if it's no longer relevant. If it's not, then I guess some kindly mod can just stick this thread on the end of the last one.
Anyway, I've got some back reviews to get out of my system, so I'll just start now.
The Rise of Skywalker
with people. Some living, some dead, some relegated to bit parts.
The finale of the new SW trilogy wraps up with everyone who's ever been in a Star Wars movie showing up for their last hurrah.
Meh. It's better than the prequel trilogy, that's about all I can say. The new trilogy started off on a high (if derivative) note and has steadily been tromping downhill ever since. TRoS is a marginal step up from the last one imho, but not a very big one. Much like TLJ, the more I think about it the more plot holes I can think of. I dunno, I think they did an *okay* job of wrapping things up...although I don't remember so many things just not making any damn sense in the original trilogy. Oh well, I guess we can't all be kids forever.
*edit* Continuing on from the last thread, which ended here: Movies: - Last Movie You Watched and Rate It | Part#: Some High Number +2
Anyway, I've got some back reviews to get out of my system, so I'll just start now.
The Rise of Skywalker
with people. Some living, some dead, some relegated to bit parts.
The finale of the new SW trilogy wraps up with everyone who's ever been in a Star Wars movie showing up for their last hurrah.
Meh. It's better than the prequel trilogy, that's about all I can say. The new trilogy started off on a high (if derivative) note and has steadily been tromping downhill ever since. TRoS is a marginal step up from the last one imho, but not a very big one. Much like TLJ, the more I think about it the more plot holes I can think of. I dunno, I think they did an *okay* job of wrapping things up...although I don't remember so many things just not making any damn sense in the original trilogy. Oh well, I guess we can't all be kids forever.
*edit* Continuing on from the last thread, which ended here: Movies: - Last Movie You Watched and Rate It | Part#: Some High Number +2