Movies: Last Movie You Watched and Rate It | Part#: Some High Number +2

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One additional thought regarding Once Upon A Time In Hollywood:

I see many people took issue with the changing of history. For me, the only reason I even saw the movie in the first place was because I caught wind of the change beforehand, so I knew the ending (at least that part) going in -- I would've passed otherwise. Just reading the in-depth account of the Tate murder was one of the more disturbing things I've experienced, and I have ZERO desire to re-visit that again, let alone see it depicted on screen.
I didn't care about the ending being changed because, by then, I'd lost interest and was just hoping for it to end.
Besides Once Upon a Time in Hollywood do you think any other movies that have been released up til this point in the year will be in contention for a Best Picture nomination at the Oscars? Seems like there's usually buzz over something else at this point.

A lot of buzz is around the movies still to come out, but I would think Rocketman maybe? Don't think it will, but it could be in the discussion I suppose. But many of them will be coming out shortly.
No full reviews for "It 2", yet. I am looking forward to everything but the 3 hour run time.
Pitt is fine. He's certainly better than he was early in his career. Having said that, he has limited range and he can fall into playing the same character over and over, again.
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Just watched Spring Breakers. This had been on my radar for such a long time as it was a big reason why A24 was put on the map, but my god... This was hands down one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. The kind of hypnotic trance the movie presents itself in is cool at first, but it loses its charm. The color palette they used is also cool at first as well, but again, over-saturation. Franco was good in this, but I honestly don't know any other redeeming qualities. It just felt so self-indulgent and ridiculous. I'm sure some kind of hidden meaning went over my head, but I honestly thought this was trash. One of the longest 90 minute movies I've ever seen. Don't think Harmony Korine is for me.
Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno [2017]:

"In 1994, Amin a former medical student looking to become a screenwriter, returns from Paris to his hometown of Sète. While there he falls for Ophélie, a young woman who is engaged to another man, but who is having an affair with Amin's cousin Tony." - as per Wiki

I spent the entire movie trying to decide what I enjoyed more : Ophelie Bau curvaceous beauty or Lou Luttiau flirtatious sexy smile. At 3 hours, I lost interest in everything else - especially since the first hour had the film's two highlights : Bau's sex scene and Luttiau's exotic dance.

Mektoub, My Love : Canto Uno is voyeuristic fun and I look forward to the 2019 sequel, which I understand takes the exploitation of the female form to a whole new level - #MeToo be damned. I can't wait!


Movie Trailer :
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Blade Runner 2049 - 9/10

Is this the film where Ryan Gosling has a hologram girlfriend? I know I saw this film but can't remember much from it, or even if I finished it.

Edit: Okay, now when I think harder about it some new scenes re-appear in my mind.

Ryan Gosling crash landing (with a flying vehicle?) at a rubbish dump
Is this the film where Ryan Gosling has a hologram girlfriend? I know I saw this film but can't remember much from it, or even if I finished it.

Edit: Okay, now when I think harder about it some new scenes re-appear in my mind.

Ryan Gosling crash landing (with a flying vehicle?) at a rubbish dump

This is all correct. Wasn’t sure how I’d like it, but it really pulled me in.
Dog Soldiers (2002):

Before streaming was a thing, I often debated a blind buy on blu for this one. The blu ray had mixed reviews for video quality and was often overpriced, so it was a no-go. Some friends insisted "Dog Soldiers" was among the best modern day werewolf movies. I watched "An American Werewolf in London" at a young age, where scenes on the moors tapped into primal fears of mine, outmatched only by "The Exorcist".

I started a free trial on Amazon Prime last week to watch the season 3 of "The Expanse". "Dog Soldiers" is in the library.

Junk (but with good intentions).

Despite a 70ish% rating on RT, the movie was a letdown. We follow a group of soldiers on a weekend training exercise in Scotland who abruptly find themselves stalked by a family of werewolves. The soldiers hole up in a cabin, where the rest of the movie plays out like "Night of the Living Dead", except with werewolves.

It's low budget with grainy video and is much too artificially brightened for a movie taking place at night (I think the brightening was a transfer issue, also evident on blu, and not part of the original master). The creature effects are passable, but with no budget for animatronics, the few glimpses of werewolves are static. I'm not sure the masks even moved beyond some motion around the snout. Quick cuts paired with camera shots from the wolves' perspectives leave most of the horror to the imagination. Another problem is werewolf movies don't scare me anymore, so there's that.

Despite possessing super human strength (e.g., tearing apart a vehicle in minutes), the werewolves can't break through a simple hook eye latch on a cabin door until the plot calls for it. They withstand hundreds of rounds of ammo delivered point blank, but are neutralized by a chair propped against said cabin door.

Dialogue is trash -- mostly bawdy talk by the soldiers. The plot fits on a napkin and gives no explanation for the werewolves existence, apart from a quick "what if mythos isn't really mythos?" exchange. Apart from a minor reveal near the end, there is nothing to keep you guessing. You're only partially invested in seeing who gets picked off next and how.

I'll give props for serviceable gore effects and for including a transformation scene on a low budget. In 2002, I might have enjoyed this one. In 2019, no chance in hell.

Leads include Sean Pertwee of Gotham and Liam Cunningham of GOT (playing a particularly unsavory character).

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You Were Never Really Here - original enough in its direction and tone to be interesting, even if sometimes feels a bit amateurish - 6.5/10
American Factory (documentary)

Directors: Julia Reichert and Steven Bognar (A Lion in the House)

Produced by: B. Obama (yes, that Obama, the Harvard educated Muslim born in Kenya, or Indonesia, forget which now)

When the Chinese company Fuyao Glass opened a new factory in Dayton, Ohio, there was so much hope in the air. Billionaire Chairman Cao Dewang arrived at his new facility with the intention of writing a bold new chapter in the expansion of global capitalism, delivering prosperity to a struggling area while getting rich in the process. That was the plan, at least. Over the course of two hours, American Factory follows the slow depletion of that hope as the corporate culture of the Chinese managements butts heads with the customs, attitudes, and economic priorities of the American workforce. Directors Reichert and Bognar put their cameras everywhere: terse board meetings, raucous union organizing sessions, casual break-room conversations, and, in one revealing sequence, a business trip to a Fuyao factory in China.


Watch it on Netflix
Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno [2017]:

"In 1994, Amin a former medical student looking to become a screenwriter, returns from Paris to his hometown of Sète. While there he falls for Ophélie, a young woman who is engaged to another man, but who is having an affair with Amin's cousin Tony." - as per Wiki

I spent the entire movie trying to decide what I enjoyed more : Ophelie Bau curvaceous beauty or Lou Luttiau flirtatious sexy smile. At 3 hours, I lost interest in everything else - especially since the first hour had the film's two highlights : Bau's sex scene and Luttiau's exotic dance.

Mektoub, My Love : Canto Uno is voyeuristic fun and I look forward to the 2019 sequel, which I understand takes the exploitation of the female form to a whole new level - #MeToo be damned. I can't wait!


Movie Trailer :

Not exactly the smashing follow-up I was hoping from Kechiche. Blue is the Warmest Colour is one of my all-time favorite films, but I couldn't even be bothered to watch this one in its entirety.

His first few films are remarkable. Spring Breakers was not.

I thought it was quite remarkable. Remarkably shit.
Ready Or Not [2019] :

Ready Or Not is a mix of Get Out, Clue and the bride from Kill Bill. It is also one of the most predictable movies I've seen in a long, long time.


Grace is about to marry into the wealthy "Le Domas" ("The Dumb Ass") family - aren't the writers clever! There's one catch. She has to play a game where, if she draws the wrong card, she will be hunted and sacrificed. Of course, she draws that card. What follows is a literal blood bath.

30 minutes into Ready Or Not, I hadn't jumped or laughed once - odd for a movie that's suppose to be a Horror/Comedy. So, to keep myself occupied, I tried to predict what was going to happen. Unfortunately, that turned out to be much easier than I hoped.

My End Of Movie Score :

1 laugh through the entire movie.
2 jumps.
12 salted pretzel pieces with 2 small cups of Cheez Whiz.
A 70% prediction rate.


Movie Trailer :
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I watched Endgame. Honestly, I think my reviews for any superhero movie are completely useless as it's a genre I just simply can not connect with and I go into every one of these movies with an inherently negative mindset. That being said, this was exactly what I thought it was going to be. Bland, predictable, competently made but just an absurd reliance on CGI, etc. To this day, Guardians of the Galaxy is the only movie from the MCU (that I've seen) that I can say I've actually enjoyed. Stuff like Ragnarok and Spider-Man: Homecoming have been decent enough, but I wouldn't say they're particularly good or enjoyable movies.
I watched Endgame. Honestly, I think my reviews for any superhero movie are completely useless as it's a genre I just simply can not connect with and I go into every one of these movies with an inherently negative mindset. That being said, this was exactly what I thought it was going to be. Bland, predictable, competently made but just an absurd reliance on CGI, etc. To this day, Guardians of the Galaxy is the only movie from the MCU (that I've seen) that I can say I've actually enjoyed. Stuff like Ragnarok and Spider-Man: Homecoming have been decent enough, but I wouldn't say they're particularly good or enjoyable movies.

Not exactly the smashing follow-up I was hoping from Kechiche. Blue is the Warmest Colour is one of my all-time favorite films, but I couldn't even be bothered to watch this one in its entirety.
The beautiful women contributed to my rating of 5. Otherwise, I would have turned it off as well.

