Bad defenseman, worse contract. Wish they never signed him at all last year.
As the guy who came up with hd theory and player situational means and ranges more than 10 years ago.
Fullhd defence theory relates to 2 defensive factors.
1. Shot density. Corsi x,y, ricki,sbox now called home plate 10 years later.
You want dmen in the top 60 hd defence.
Keeping corsi as far away as possible.
2. Shot supresion.
Corsi for and corsi againstis a product of forwards and off dmen chasing offence.
Corsi volume has zero measure related to dmen. Its is just the baseline you start def dman analysis from.
You want elite shot supression dmen who block, cause misses and have high closed shot (0 % chance of going in) rates.
They can have a greater affect than hd dmen.
You want these dmen to perform at elite levels for as high a % of thier EVTOI.
The 2 best in the game.
1. Dehaan
2. Russell
Old school and analytics who go against each other are morons.
Russel,s affect is clearly defined by me 10 years ago.
MSM likes to hold him up as proof of analytics failing.
Sorry MSM you Mathaphobic biggots and hate mongers are to stupid to understand.
When these guys pair with elite hd dmen they get elite def pair results.
Russel - Larsson (1st comp) 1.83 EVGA60
You want to talk bad, lets talk Nurse and Hamilton.
Woodguy and Gmoney argued against hd theory for years before i was finally able to convince them to be disciples of my hd theory.
Dangerous fenwick for % is a very useless stat.
Cause it does not include key shot supression factors such as forced misses and closed hole shots which can account for 70 to 80% of shot supression affect.
It is a partial representation of hd and supression theory and shows a parrallel trend to the real results not achieved cause of the ommision of a majority of the critical data.
Some of the leading analytics schools understand that almost all the hockey analytics out thier is useless cause they do not exclude zero value data.