IMO, pieces we have worth chatting with are: (#4-6 upside as Dmen, middle 6 upside for F, somewhat NHL ready pieces, but haven't been really been completely field tested)
Andersson (prefer to keep... hasn't played pro though)
Wotherspoon OR Jokipakka (Each other's redundancies. Defensive Dmen, both current #6 NHL Dmen maybe max #4 upside?)
Poirier OR Klimchuk (Redundant with Shinkaruk and Pribyl. Middle 6 upside pieces)
Pollock (Could be redundant if Vey rediscovers his game. Pollock has not played pros yet though)
If we needed NYR to take on cap, I think Stajan (C/RW 3.2M 2 YR), Bouma (C/LW 2.1M 1 YR) and Bollig(LW 1.1M 1 YR) are the worst we'd ask you to consider taking on.
Bollig for Glass maybe to start the chats? NYR pays more cash, but gets same style younger guy and more cap space for a single year (but I don't think you guys are dire for cap this season, no?). Seems like a pointless move though.
I think if both sides were intentional, something could work out in favor of both teams. But there doesn't seem to be an obvious trade right off the bat.