With regards to the allstar game, I think people can more or less look at it one of two ways.
You can be happy that he's an allstar, and lament that he's probably in a different uniform in a few weeks. That feels like kind of a downer.
Or, you can be happy he's an allstar, knowing that the Rangers haven't changed course, and hope that it allows your team to get the best possible return on a decision that is out of your hands and was likely decided six months ago. That at least provides some hope.
As for "admiting" that people like the kids in the draft, I actually acknowledged that in the very first line of my initial response:
"While there is some of that exists for sure.."
And finally, re: the pedophile line, you specifically referred to people's obsession with teenagers as creepy. There's not much room for interpretation there. Either you knew exactly what you were saying, and are trying to back off said comments. Or you really went with a poor choice of words.