Registered User
Nope, it isn't.
There was an argument about assigning Korea to a specific tier of international hockey and one poster said they were DivIA regulars, to which I and another poster replied that it simply was not the case.
Another guy made a remark saying "they" almost qualified for the Elite division, without specifying the national team he was talking about. He then continued to post about Japan, not realizing that he's in a thread about Korea.
Actually, I CLEARLY quoted who I was responding to.
"Japan is a mainstay in Div. 1-A but Korea is a bubble team at that level..." If its not Korea, which is quite obvious, then its Japan. Sorry though.
Amazing I even have to defend this comment like this. I guess I should have posted all the links while responding to it so it was crystal clear as to which team I was talking about.
lets all please move on and refocus on Korea . Sorry to mention Japan at all.
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