Two Words: Private School
If you aren't a good teacher, you'll be out in a short period of time. You are held to a high standard because parents are forking over a lot of money to educate their kids, and if you are terrible the admin will hear about it. They will usually give you every option to improve and train the crap out of you, but some just aren't cut out for it.
If you are a good teacher, you will flourish. You'll have plenty of support, cutting edge technology, and students that are good citizens (95% of the time). Private school pay scales are lower, but to keep you they will work around it by finding ways to add more years to your experience or pay you stipends to keep your pay competitive. And most importantly, none of the union vs. admin stuff that goes on in the public sector.
To be fair, I did do things the other way, with a more lucrative career first and then teaching after I had some options mature. The hours are great and I can watch my kids grow up in person, spending a lot of time with them.