For sure. I actually think Wilt was hurt by his era more than helped. If he had played like in the 90s, with a 3 point line, because he could shoot, with the modern halfcourt game etc.. I think he would have been even better. And we wouldn't have only seen the evolution of the modern big man when like Nowitzki and company were coming into the league, because Wilt could literally do everything these guys like Jokic can do, plus he's one of the best defensive centers ever. Like, imagine combining Jokic with I don't know, Shaq basically. People still say Wilt was stronger than Shaq, one of the strongest men ever. Arnold Shwarzanegger lifted weights with him once, this must have been after his NBA career I think, and he was teaching Wilt some specific presses, and when Wilt lifted the same weights and everything with ease, Arnold never again would work out with him because he was embarrassed. And in regard to Shaq, who by far leads all players in career dunks, that would have been Wilt if Wilt had played in an era when dunking was more encouraged and common. Because he did not dunk as often as he would if he were playing today. I think the dude would have averaged a triple double in the modern game easy. He was one of the best athletes, anywhere, ever. Could bring the ball up the court like a point guard.
As good as Jordan was, I honestly think Wilt is kind of like the Babe Ruth of basketball. Sure we can argue if like Mays, DiMaggio or Mantle or Trout, like who else is in the best ever conversation, but Ruth will always be the original standard. And that's pretty much Wilt in my mind, just ahead of Russel and West. Maybe, in hockey comparable to Howe. With Jordan kind of being his Gretzky.
There's a documentary about the old Borscht Belt in the Catskills NY and others about Wilt specifically. I forget the names right now. There's a few actually. But Wilt worked at one of the resorts in the summer, I think as a porter, ran a basketball demo and would play basketball there so he became a celebrity pretty early in his career, hanging with the celebs that would perform or just stay at the resorts up there, and he was a huge draw. When he was pretty young, because obviously back then, a lot of pro athletes needed offseason jobs lol. But yea, he really was a unique "attraction", especially at that time.