Slapped-Silly is just not a very mean person -- And it shows in his play on the ice. The physicality you will get from him, IMO is puck possession, maybe, à la Armia, but not aggression and checking will be more as part of that puck possession than as an intimidation force.
Opponents will never fear Slafkovsky barrelling down on them. In his first season, when he placed an overly aggressive hit on a player and got suspended for it, he came back to play and was a complete lamb out on the ice.
Slafkovsky seems --as mentioned by another -- to be more in the mold of a Latendresse than a Lindros (pick your 'L').
I think he should perhaps be tried out at C with this season now having been charred to death wit the last two losses before the 4-Nations break.
Caufield - Tzatziki - Dach
Armia - Slapped-Silly - Laine
Newhook - Beck - Dvorak
Anderson - Evans - Gallagher
Armia and Slapped-Silly should give two forwards that can protect and keep the puck long enough to get it to an open Laine for a shot.