Joshua Ho-Sang, Center/Right-wing, 1st Round

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Registered User
Apr 5, 2011
Yes I agree. The 'he's a heavy sleeper' and 'oh...well, maybe he has a sleep disorder' assumptions are pretty ridiculous.

How is it ridiculous? You're saying that his roommate couldn't have gotten up early, tried to get Ho-Sang up and Ho-Sang said something like "I'll get up in a minute" only to fall back asleep when his roommate left? That certainly seems to fit something Ho-Sang would do and that is definitely something I'm certain many people have experienced. Just because someone was in the room with him doesn't mean he should have definitely got up. It isn't that persons responsibility to pull him out of bed and make sure he's up. If an adult tells you they're getting up, you usually assume they'll get up.

Skip To My Lou

Abused Fan
May 4, 2010
Garden City, NY
How about we just stop jumping to conclusions and just agree that he ****ed up ok?

No conclusion we jump to is going to change the fact that he screwed up his opportunity to be in an NHL camp.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2010
How about we just stop jumping to conclusions and just agree that he ****ed up ok?

No conclusion we jump to is going to change the fact that he screwed up his opportunity to be in an NHL camp.

what your saying is really true ... this kid has been labeled a distraction by other people prior to the isles drafting him and it could very well be true ... kids work all their life for that chance and he overslept.... lol...yes he can change and grow up but this guys character seems to be unfolding just how people said it would ... hope he can change but excited to see what our team can do !


Apr 7, 2007
East End
My feeling, you snooze you lose.

If I was waking up for the first day of the biggest career move in my life, or even the slimmest opportunity - you'd bet I'd set nine different alarms and have my parents and friends call me relentlessly.

You've got talent, kid - but you've not proven a single thing to earn the benefit of doubt in this case. Run along home now son, we MAY call you one day.

Just sad, really.

Skip To My Lou

Abused Fan
May 4, 2010
Garden City, NY
what your saying is really true ... this kid has been labeled a distraction by other people prior to the isles drafting him and it could very well be true ... kids work all their life for that chance and he overslept.... lol...yes he can change and grow up but this guys character seems to be unfolding just how people said it would ... hope he can change but excited to see what our team can do !

Don't get me wrong, distractions aside, I've been extremely excited about Ho-Sang. In fact, I've been a big defender of his amidst all the controversy. I was so excited to see what he can do in a few preseason games.

But the fact of the matter is, he messed up big time; and you can't live by the beat of your own drum when you're expected by a team that took a chance on you. I do think this whole situation is going to change him though. He has too big of aspirations to make it in this league to let this behavior continue.


Always open minded
Oct 2, 2011
Disappointing news.

No excuse. He should have known you never rely on a teammate or wake-up call for something as important as this. It's not his teammate's responsibility to wake him up. They're not there as baby sitters or his mommy or daddy. The kids just got to realize he's immature. Time to wake up and stop blaming society for his woes. There are a lot of minorities out there who have suffered real injustices in their lives. He's never suffered any real injustices yet up to this point in his life. Thousands of kids his age white or not would die for the opportunity he has before him. He's taking this opportunity totally for granted and he could end up screwing up his whole life for something that is totally avoidable. As a fan who has totally supported his outspoken ways since I learned about him, my advice is this: Shut the F up and just play! This inexcusable negligent act is going to haunt him for the rest of the year. Sure, he probably wouldn't have made the cut this year, but he SHOULD be totally embarrassed.

No one has ever been out to get you Josh. You just got to grow the hell up and make things happen.

Granted this is his first mistake while wearing an Islander's uniform, but he has got to realize that Snow and the franchise took a big gamble on him and staked their reputation on him. He let them down, and he better not let it happen again. He's made himself a target by being so outspoken about how he has been mistreated, but mistakes like this make it appear like he's just crying wolf.

Also, it would show great maturity on his own part and make a public apology to his team, the fans and the franchise. While he doesn't have to do this, it would be completely stupid on his part not to.

I want this kid to be an Islander superstar so bad, but he's it so difficult for himself!

13th Floor

Registered User
Oct 10, 2008
Bummer news.

This is a year-long punishment because it doesn't matter what he does this year in the O, he starts at square negative-1 with the Islanders this time next year. He lost a year of leaving a good taste in the Isles mouths. Doing everything right for a year does not improve his standing. Doing everything right is his only option and is the only way he keeps his current standing.

Is his future with the Isles over? Of course not. But it certainly has effects. I'd say this solidifies (if it wasn't already) that JHS is likely 2+ years away for playing an NHL minute. If he does everything right for a year, he will be in the AHL next year for the whole season without a doubt. Then I think he starts in the A 2017-18 and maybe gets called up. It likely was the case they would do that anyway, as that has been the route for the last few top prospects. But this event definitely means there's no way they are making an exception to that trajectory for someone with a history of character issues. He will probably get a slower trajectory because he will have to 100% prove maturity at each stage.

I love the reaction from the Isles. JT, Garth, everyone. After 30 years, this team is actually starting to become a model of success and the perception around the league is following suit.


Work Hahd Play Smaht
Oct 11, 2011
(Mod Edit, removed QDP)

(Mod Edit)

I'm not judging anybody. He's a teenager that has a history of being a distraction. Remember that.

So if anything, I'm the one of the few ppl being realistic here. I can be realistic because I used to do a lot of really dumb/regrettable things when I was 19 too.

I want the kid to succeed as much as anybody. But I'm not gonna sit back and say "oh maybe he's just a heavy sleeper?".

If you want to keep fooling yourself thinking he's just misunderstood, go ahead.
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Regular User
Sep 3, 2006
Queens, NY
(Mod Edit)

I'm not judging anybody. He's a teenager that has a history of being a distraction. Remember that.

So if anything, I'm the one of the few ppl being realistic here. I can be realistic because I used to do a lot of dumb things when I was 19 too.

I want the kid to succeed as much as anybody. But I'm not gonna sit back and say "oh maybe he's just a heavy sleeper?".

If you want to keep fooling yourself thinking he's just misunderstood, go ahead.

Look, the kid is a **** up, I agree with you there. I'm not defending him or saying that he's misunderstood, and I've already stated that I think he deserves the punishment he got. But it's completely ridiculous to imply substance issues when we don't know ANYTHING about why he didn't show up to practice that day. You seem to keep harping on that speculation though. That's what I'm taking offense to. So cool it with that nonsense and you'll get a much more amicable Strummergas. Deal?
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Work Hahd Play Smaht
Oct 11, 2011
Look, the kid is a **** up, I agree with you there. I'm not defending him or saying that he's misunderstood, and I've already stated that I think he deserves the punishment he got. But it's completely ridiculous to imply substance issues when we don't know ANYTHING about why he didn't show up to practice that day. You seem to keep harping on that speculation though. That's what I'm taking offense to. So cool it with that nonsense and you'll get a much more amicable Strummergas. Deal?

Sorry dude... I was 19 not all that long ago. I know what's out there and what these kids face, so I don't think it's ridiculous at all. I actually think it's a lot less far fetched than 90% of the other assumptions being tossed around here.

But, this will be the last time I bring it up because I like amicable stummergas.
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Always open minded
Oct 2, 2011
Also BTW, Josh ought to think about ditching Patrick Kane as one of his heroes he wants to emulate and maybe take a page out of John Tavares book.

Remember this insight: from

"He parties all the time. There's pictures of him shirtless, partying regularly. There's stories about him everywhere. That's cool," Ho-Sang said. "You look at Patrick Kane, he's having a good time. He's getting the job done. I guarantee you ask Patrick Kane how much he loves to party, he'd say '10,' [on a scale of] one to 10. You can tell.

"The bottle's popping, all this stuff. He's absolutely hammered at all the parades. That's hilarious. These guys are having a blast. I know they've won, so people are like, it's OK."

I wonder how Ho-Sang feels about Patrick Kane now? Guilty or not, Kane's flamboyant lifestyle seems to be a ticket to find trouble.


Regular User
Sep 3, 2006
Queens, NY
Sorry dude... I was 19 not all that long ago. I know what's out there and what these kids face, so I don't think it's ridiculous at all. I actually think it's a lot less far fetched than 90% of the other assumptions being tossed around here.

But, this will be the last time I bring it up because I like amicable stummergas.

It's not out of the realm of possibility, but I just don't think its right to speculate about something so serious. Ultimately, whatever the hell his excuse is, he won't get the chance to fix it until next year anyway.


Registered User
Apr 5, 2011
Also BTW, Josh ought to think about ditching Patrick Kane as one of his heroes he wants to emulate and maybe take a page out of John Tavares book.

Remember this insight: from

"He parties all the time. There's pictures of him shirtless, partying regularly. There's stories about him everywhere. That's cool," Ho-Sang said. "You look at Patrick Kane, he's having a good time. He's getting the job done. I guarantee you ask Patrick Kane how much he loves to party, he'd say '10,' [on a scale of] one to 10. You can tell.

"The bottle's popping, all this stuff. He's absolutely hammered at all the parades. That's hilarious. These guys are having a blast. I know they've won, so people are like, it's OK."

I wonder how Ho-Sang feels about Patrick Kane now? Guilty or not, Kane's flamboyant lifestyle seems to be a ticket to find trouble.

A couple interesting things from that article.

It was also widely circulated among NHL teams that he had to sit out a game because he was late for a morning skate in Ottawa. He was careless and didn't understand why it was so important to be on time. He figured out that it's a respect thing, not just rules for the sake of rule. It was a learning process.

Like everything with Ho-Sang, context is important. He says he doesn't go out partying. He just admires those who embrace life, those who have more going on than what's happening on the ice.

So we know that 1. this isn't the first time he's been late and he has a past of not really understanding why it's important and 2. he says he doesn't party. Yeah, he could just be saying that but I'm sure if he had a history of it (which he doesn't) we would have heard about it.

To me, he's just an immature kid who thinks he knows it all and wants to do things the way he wants them done and doesn't understand that some things, while they may not seem important, mean a lot in the grand scheme of things.


Regular User
Sep 3, 2006
Queens, NY
I really think Ho-Sang should issue a public apology. I think that would go a long way to showing that he is learning and maturing from this.

Why? He doesn't owe us or the media anything. Who he should be apologizing to is his GM, his coach, and his teammates. I hope that's already happened.


Registered User
Jul 5, 2007
Results...Nothing else matters.

Make any excuse you want for Ho-Sang. I don't care and you shouldn't either.

What I care about are results...And Ho-Sang didn't show up for practice. Frankly any excuse doesn't matter.

The guy said he's going to be the "best player in the 2014 draft" and yet he's not mature/responsible enough to show up for his job (which is supposed to make him better)?

Right now Ho-Sang is only a part of the Islanders in terms of the team owning his rights. If he was actually part of the team he'd be a good teammate by paying the same price every other player out there to help the team win. Showing up on time for work is the easiest thing any organization would ask of him. If he can't get that right...

Instead Ho-Sang's version of "team" is when he looks in the mirror, and some of you are making excuses for his behavior which disrespects every player, coach, and front office person on the Islanders who shows up for work and does their best.

Again...Can Ho-Sang get it together? Of course, but right now he's so far away from that we should treat him like we did Petrov for the past 5 years...Hold his rights and if he actually *shows up* great, but until then he might as well be in Russia.


Registered User
May 13, 2005
My biggest concern is I hope it doesn't effect his junior season. I wanna see him crush it this season. Also, I hope and pray Hockey Canada doesn't hold it against him. Just another reason for them to not select him for the WJHC team. Though it would be his own fault if they do hold it against him. I just hope they use his play this year in the OHL to decide if the chose him or not. If he's crushing it in the OHL and also gets results in the pre tournament games, there would be no reason not to chose him.


Mackenzie is a hack!
Jan 23, 2011
Iksan, S. Korea
Ya maybe ur right. Maybe he's just a deep sleeper. Sure. (Rolls eyes)

Can roll your eyes all you want. I don't think I need to tell you how it makes you look.

i agree with this statement completely and have thought about posting something very similar. people don't understand what they haven't experienced. and if they have experienced something like it, they think every single person reacts the same which just isn't true. "i've had a sleep disorder and i've been able to wake up." or, "i've fought through mental health issues and i've been able to wake up." blah, blah, blah.

that said, here's a couple of things i've thought about which prevented me from posting what you did: (1) wouldn't his junior coach know of any sleep condition like that? if so, would he not have made mention of that in the news article from the other day? instead, williamson basically said that the kid screwed up, not that he has an issue with a sleep condition. (2) if he did have a sleep condition, why would he not have had one of his folks with him at the camp to ensure that something like sleeping in wouldn't happen? (3) would garth snow have publicly shamed the lad if there was some sleep disorder issue?

again, i agree completely that morons around the world don't grasp what they haven't experienced. but there are a few things about how it all went down that i don't understand if the kid simply did have a sleeping issue of some sorts.

I'm not saying it's likely. Just setting the tarts straight who think it's impossible. I don't think Williamson would break a kids trust by releasing that kind of info to the public to answer your first question. Not really his business. Secondly, those problems are hard to diagnose and may not have been happening his whole life. He could be struggling with it and too embarrassed to say anything. Who knows. It's not something that would come out in a physical. Just hard to say at this point...

Back on track I don't really care to guess what it is. I'm sure the Isles aren't letting it be a distraction in camp, I'm not going to let it be a distraction on the message boards as I prep for the season ;)


Mackenzie is a hack!
Jan 23, 2011
Iksan, S. Korea
(Mod Edit, removed QDP)

(Mod Edit)

I'm not judging anybody. He's a teenager that has a history of being a distraction. Remember that.

So if anything, I'm the one of the few ppl being realistic here. I can be realistic because I used to do a lot of really dumb/regrettable things when I was 19 too.

I want the kid to succeed as much as anybody. But I'm not gonna sit back and say "oh maybe he's just a heavy sleeper?".

If you want to keep fooling yourself thinking he's just misunderstood, go ahead.

Wow, I usually have viewed your contributions in a positive way, but this really made me laugh out loud. One of the few people is being realistic by NOT EVEN ACCEPTING a possible scenario. That's rich, way too rich for my blood. At least I am accepting that the other scenarios are plausible (just as plausible as any of the other far fetched scenarios). You, on the other hand, dismiss it because you know better than everyone else and have already claimed his career will be over when he announces it lol.
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