Recalled/Assigned: Jordan Schroeder sent down, Andrew Ebbett called up


Registered User
Dec 20, 2010
The real problem is he has no players to move into the lineup. Andrew Ebbet is an AHL player and nothing more. If ther was any talent on the farm Kassian should be down there. Bah !

This is on Gillis not Av.

Line ups and who plays and who doesn't has to do with AV. I doubt Gillis has control over who plays or not. Either way playing a AHL plug over a prospect is classic AV move.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2010


Registered User
Jun 3, 2012
Very disappointed in Schroeder. Watching him in Chicago, I had my qualms about him at the NHL level but I thought he would be better than this. My biggest worry is that Schroeder didn't produce much offense. He was ok defensively until the last while but he wasn't,except for one game, looking anything like putting up offensive numbers.

And this was a continuation of his play in Chicago. He was a decent, two way center in Chicago but his offense was mediocre. I hate to say it but there has to be huge questions about whether this player can create offense at the pro level - and this has to be his meal ticket to the NHL.

People thinking he will dominate the AHL are IMO wishful thinking. He was a hard-working, generally helpful player but nothing like the dynamic player most were hoping for. He hasn't shown anything like that yet and unless he does he starts veering towards bust territory. Maybe next year he breaks out but the evidence, to date, has not been that hopeful. The suspicion that Schroeder topped out in his late teenage years has to be there.

Far as Ebbett goes, hie promotion is testimony, as most are saying, to the hideous lack of forward depth in the organization. Schroeder had to go but it sure would have been nice to have at least an adequate replacement.

I could understand this more if he was being put in a situation to succeed and get points, but he stopped producing points around the time he was sent to the 4th line.

I find the biggest problem is his style of play does t suit our 4th line... Like at all. I think he deserved a few games playing with some guys with talent, when he was there that line was always at least looking dangerous.

I know the counter argument is he was on the pp, but not when our pp is so mis used.

Aphid Attraction

Registered User
Jan 17, 2013
SO many Shroeder fanboys.

he was up here for 22 games and played on the PP and scored in ONE game.

On Schroeder, That game that he scored in, it was obvious that AV was giving him a lot of offensive time to get those goals, his offence then dried due to the adversity he faced. Could blame AV but that dose not give him an excuse for his poor play. AV tends to run a trial by fire and Schroeder didn't pass, Only hope is that the going to the AHL and spending time with Jensen (fingers crossed) he becomes a better player.

On Ebbitt, Our problems are much bigger then Ebbitt in for Schroeder out, I am happy with Ebbitt myself at 3 C, while Keslers out, and the 13th forward when he is back, but we lack a 3 C that can move into 2 C when Keslers out, that is where we have a hole to fill. MG needs to fill that hole ASAP because it is not going away, as in it will be here next year too.


Dr. Hook
Aug 12, 2002
100 pts in 178 AHL regular season games is not impressive for a player expected to produce offense at the NHL level eventually. This was the year Jordan Schroeder should have broken out a little and he hasn't.

The signs simply aren't there that he will become a 2nd line center in this league.


The problem with using that bullet is that you need another bullet in the chamber. I look around and I don't see much out there in the way of coaches. I don't think we want to go down the Ron Wilson road. And honestly if he used that bullet he would need to replace the entire coaching staff as they all seem to be underperforming...if we can place underperforming players at the feet of the coaching staff. And that makes it more of an offseason move.

I don't want AV fired. It just sucks that MG can buy time with Aqua man with that bullet

Aphid Attraction

Registered User
Jan 17, 2013
100 pts in 178 AHL regular season games is not impressive for a player expected to produce offense at the NHL level eventually. This was the year Jordan Schroeder should have broken out a little and he hasn't.

The signs simply aren't there that he will become a 2nd line center in this league.

Early this year he was on a poor wolves team struggling to play against NHLers, so I think now he has to go back and score more, That said he should also PK, and he was not given that chance early this year, so will have to see. I think he has the tools to be a 3 C that can PK and chip in offence a bit, for the foreseeable future anyway.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2012
Woooo, Andrew Ebbett!!!!!

Just what the doctor ordered. This organization is so predictable, and not in a good way either.

Hollywood Burrows

Registered User
Jan 23, 2009
I hope (and suspect) this is the last we see of Schroeder. Too small to check, and no offense (invisible on the PP). He can hold his own in terms of possession, but to me he doesn't have a future in the NHL, and his tenure with the big club has only made that more clear. And YES I understand that AV has been playing him with plugs lately.

Ebbett is coming off a ten-game point streak in Chicago, so might as well give him another shot. We need some new centres, BAD.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2012
On the bright side, just wait till Kesler returns. Our depth down the middle will give other teams fits.




Registered User
Dec 20, 2010

AV on Schreoder being send down.

“The last little while, offensively, it’s been a little challenging for him. He’s supposed to be an offensive player, 5-on-5, and on the power play.

(last little while... gee i wonder... maybe it has something to do with putting him on the 4th line 5 on 5...)

“We thought we’d help him out by putting him on the power play where we sort of needed a right handed shot, see if we couldn’t boost his confidence which should help him 5-on-5.

(yeah lets boost Shroeder's confidence by putting him on the point on the PP where he's never played before. I don't think PP will help anyone confidence playing 5 on 5 with Weise and Siesto....)

“But obviously that didn’t get the results that we anticipated.”

(well no ****)


Registered User
Feb 2, 2012
I agree 5 on 5 he didnt fully capitalize on his opportunities with more skilled players, but I strongly feel that he was being criminality misused on the PP and I would of much rather seen him consistently on the second unit rather than on the point on the first unit (where Garrison belongs imo)



AV on Schreoder being send down.

“The last little while, offensively, it’s been a little challenging for him. He’s supposed to be an offensive player, 5-on-5, and on the power play.

(last little while... gee i wonder... maybe it has something to do with putting him on the 4th line 5 on 5...)

“We thought we’d help him out by putting him on the power play where we sort of needed a right handed shot, see if we couldn’t boost his confidence which should help him 5-on-5.

(yeah lets boost Shroeder's confidence by putting him on the point on the PP where he's never played before. I don't think PP will help anyone confidence playing 5 on 5 with Weise and Siesto....)

“But obviously that didn’t get the results that we anticipated.â€

(well no ****)

He wasn't producing anywhere. Av is right and sending him down is the right thing to do.


Registered User
Sep 22, 2002
Schroeder going down is no surprise. Just has not developed offensively at all at the pro level. Does not have top notch vision and struggles to create space to make plays. Simply not very dynamic and I said as much earlier.

Sad part is Ebbett coming back up. He's not terrible, but he's not good either. Sure hope the prospects from the '11 and '12 drafts give this team some depth. A college UFA or two would be quite helpful too.

Canucks desperately need C help.

Snatcher Demko

High-End Intangibles
Oct 8, 2006
100 pts in 178 AHL regular season games is not impressive for a player expected to produce offense at the NHL level eventually. This was the year Jordan Schroeder should have broken out a little and he hasn't.

The signs simply aren't there that he will become a 2nd line center in this league.

Not necessarily true. Hodgson's AHL numbers were mediocre as well.

The talent is there, the production isn't. But the opportunity was very limited and he was misused on the PP and bounced around the lineup, finally settling in with Weise and Sestito.

At least you can say JS has potential. And besides, everyone on the team is in a funk offensively.

He might not turn out to be anything more than an undersized 20g-20a guy (or even less), but he's better than Ebbett FFS.

I would have preferred to see Sweatt tried out here in place of Sestito, bring some speed and a forecheck to that 4th line. Rather than use Ebbett, who does have a nice shot, but is weak in all other aspects.

absolute garbage

Registered User
Jan 22, 2006
Schroeder going down is no surprise. Just has not developed offensively at all at the pro level. Does not have top notch vision and struggles to create space to make plays. Simply not very dynamic and I said as much earlier.

Sad part is Ebbett coming back up. He's not terrible, but he's not good either. Sure hope the prospects from the '11 and '12 drafts give this team some depth. A college UFA or two would be quite helpful too.

Canucks desperately need C help.

Yes, agreed with everything. While Schroeder wasn't a huge liability, he did absolutely nothing positive with the puck the last few weeks. Bad passes, few turnovers, didn't win many battles and just zero plays offensively. Every time he had the puck the play seemed to die.

He was a bit better when he came up so it has something to with confidence and ability to perform consistently, but I would also question his skills and vision. I mean, he has good speed, hands and shot on paper, and he's not a clueless player either, but it's clear he has issues translating those skills into actual gameplay advantage. Not the first small player having these kind of issues.

Ebbett sucks but there's no one else. Need help even with Kesler back in the lineup. Especially when it's only the average-Kesler that we will most likely see.

King of the ES*

I'm beginning to believe that there's something to the notion of Mike Gillis being shunned from other GMs around the league because of his shady past as a hard-balling agent.

Andrew Ebbett is clearly not what this team needs. Lateral move at best. Is this really all that can be done? Find that very hard to believe.


Dude Guy
Apr 29, 2011
Bringing along prospects is a challenging thing for a coach. Some players need to be thrown into the fire and others need to be coddled a bit. Understanding how your players respond to certain things is coaching 101.

You can blame AV for putting Schroeder into bad spots but the kid also did not run with the opportunity he was given. After his opening stretch and his 2 goals, he faded a bit and did not recover. AV probably wanted to see if Schroeder could handle being moved around the roster on an NHL club (something that you have to go through as a regular) and it seems Schroeder could not.

Bringing Ebbett up is a good move. We don't have the luxury of giving Schroeder time to improve in such a short season and while Ebbett might not work out again, the team needed to try something.


Registered User
Jul 13, 2010
Yes, agreed with everything. While Schroeder wasn't a huge liability, he did absolutely nothing positive with the puck the last few weeks. Bad passes, few turnovers, didn't win many battles and just zero plays offensively. Every time he had the puck the play seemed to die.

He was a bit better when he came up so it has something to with confidence and ability to perform consistently, but I would also question his skills and vision. I mean, he has good speed, hands and shot on paper, and he's not a clueless player either, but it's clear he has issues translating those skills into actual gameplay advantage. Not the first small player having these kind of issues.

Ebbett sucks but there's no one else. Need help even with Kesler back in the lineup. Especially when it's only the average-Kesler that we will most likely see.

As for the bolded, i think that's the biggest issue in the sense that, when Schroeder first came up...many remarked at how hard the kid was working, were impressed with his effort and compete level, the intensity to his play. The problem is, and i mentioned it at the time to much criticism...that level of intensity just didn't seem sustainable. And sure enough, as soon as the intensity level started to drop off a little bit, he became a much less effective player. The last little bit, the hard forechecking wasn't there any more, the dogged backchecking and pressure wasn't there any more, and he just didn't look like the same potentially effective player.

It was frustrating watching him toil on the 4th line with plug linemates, and i understand and partially agree with the criticisms of AV there, especially given the center depth situation...But i think people are glossing over the fact that the drop in intensity preceded the demotion. And that his best stretch of play was right off the bat while other teams and players were still trying to find their legs...basically Preseason type hockey. As teams have started to put things together and get down to business...Schroeder has looked less effective and at times, overmatched.

It's absolutely disgusting that Ebbett is our 'solution' though. Unacceptable imo.


Registered User
Jan 1, 2007
Vancouver BC
I don't see what the problem with this is. Schroeder hadn't shown much given the role. If he wasn't going to be given more than a 4th line center role I'd rather have Ebbett.

Ebbett has shown he can be a valuable player as long as he's not put in a position to succeed (4th line role).

IF Schroeder wasn't going to be given anything more than a 4th line role I think Ebbett is actually a better fit despite the added value of having Schroeder on the PP (which has been fantastic as of late).

Either way, I'd expect to see Schroeder back at some point this season.

EDIT: Also be careful with this "Ebbett sucks" business. Last year when he was in a 4th line role a lot of people thought he played very well and at worst people were indifferent. Yes, when he's put in a 2nd line role he fails more times than not. Blame AV for putting Andrew in that position earlier this season, Blame AV for choosing Ebbett over Schroeder in a 2nd line role.


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