Well, it's not so much that he's wrong when shouts, sorry, shares his opinions. It's more the lack of self awareness surrounding his own weird behavior. It seems wildly incongruent for a person who hosts so many character flaws to be so comfortable pointing out others.He's not wrong. And because he said something truthful, he will be shamed for it.
Well you're implying that it's not true, but it is. Scientific research has shown that the average person's attention span's getting lower and lower
Anyone who dumps on him for making a generalized and true statement about the erosion of attention span is a baby.
He's coached four teams over nineteen years.
The NHL average coach tenure is closer to three years. I'll let you do the math.
Thanks, I thought it was good.Underrated comment
Yeah, I'm sure torts was just sharing a nice science factoid he had learned, it doesn't have anything to do with his usual boomer diva shtick. Maybe tomorrow he'll talk about the research that shows people on average are getting smarter by about 3 IQ points every decade.
The Flynn Effect: A Meta-analysis - PMC
The “Flynn effect” refers to the observed rise in IQ scores over time, resulting in norms obsolescence. Although the Flynn effect is widely accepted, most approaches to estimating it have relied upon “scorecard” approaches that make estimates of its ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Or, maybe one of the players will bring up how weird it is that someone probably dumber them is making all the choices for their team. Probably not though, I think we all know how much of a baby torts would be about that even though it's just a true science statement.