Same. It's not among the best logos in the league but from a design point of view, there is absolutely nothing wrong going on in it. Not too busy, not too boring, you can get the connection to what it is modelled after immediately (RCAF) and they even worked in a smart mentioning of True North Group that made their existence possible (Jet pointing to the north and it creates a directional point to the N like it would be on a compass). That "nod to the North" also works in regards that Manitoba and Winnipeg is considered "somewhere in the northern cold nowhere". A bit similar to the "WE THE NORTH" slogan the Raprtos use, as they are the one franchise being "up there in the central north" NBA wise. The Jets franchise is the franchise you would point out as the one being "the most central in the north" in the NHL. You might not like it because of personal, subjective reasons but just talking from a design POV, the logo works very, very well
the jersey:
I think it's pretty decent personally. Won't be my favorite jersey but for what it is trying to be, they did an 8 out of 10 point on the "execute a retro idea" scale. I am with other people being not sure about the logo. It feels like a retro version of the current Logo would have made sense but then again you would want to take a look at the concept designs. Maybe they tried it (I actually doubt they made no conecpt ideas at all without some kind of altered logo) and felt like it doesn't work as one would think. Happens all the time along design concept work.