Ironchef Chris Wok said:
There IS no logic in your argument beyond "Because I say so". Again, define "overly violent"
Overly violent = Using more violence than necessary.
Violence = physical infliction.
Exactly, the rule says 2 strides or more are not acceptable. Yet "strides" is not defined. "demolishing" is not defined.
Stride = One "glide" with the skate. Do you want me to define "glide" and "skate" as well?
"Demolishing" = Think of a picture of one of this black balls in a chain from a crane, tearing down a building. Huge physical impact that breaks things.
You have yet to come up with a CLEAR definition of "charging" and "Boarding" that will properly differentiate between legal and illegal hits. "Overly violent" and "up to the ref" are BS arguments.
Do I? Do I have to create a new language as well? If there were clear borders, they would already be there.
If you think "up to the ref" is BS, it is up to you. It IS up to the ref to make the calls with his judgement, with the help of the vague book of rules.
The constant use of the "authority" argument on HFboards is incredibly annoying.
And still you will keep seeing them when someone who obviously has more knowledge and experience of the subject has made a statement on the issue. Is it annoying because ref authority doesn't agree on what you think? What "they" think is very important, because it is "they" who will make the call, each and every time.
If there is no minimal length, then the hit can be simply "interpreted" as an "open-ice hit." Hey, you said it yourself, there is no "minimal length"!
You can call it whatever you want, let's call it "crab-cake." Ruutu will still receive a Game Misconduct for "crab-cake." What Ruutu did was wrong. Period.
If you want a definition of words, I could paste definitions from the Cambridge Dictionary. But you can check that up for yourself.
If we can't agree on the definition and meaning of different words, we have a huge problem. Then we have no common language and we cannot communicate.
If you don't know the meaning for the English words "demolish" and "overly violent" for example, what can I do?