Potvin calls every game like he’s 4 drinks in and still going. Because of that, potvin comes off unprepared and aloof almost every game, especially when it comes to talking about the opponent. For those reasons he’s not well liked by the fan base. Contrary to Edwards, he doesn’t throw hissy fits every time something doesn’t go the Panthers way. He also doesn’t laugh maniacally every time an opposing player is the victim of a questionable hit. He also does acknowledge when the panthers catch a break with a call, something I think Edwards would rather die then do.
Panthers fans want a knowledgeable color commentator who calls the game with a panthers slant but still maintains a bit of objectivity. Unfortunately, potvin is at a point where he’s barely paying attention to what is happening to give knowledgeable commentary and it’s time for him to move to more of an ambassador role with the team.
As for your comment about Edwards knowledge of the panthers lineup and your unnecessary shot at the size of our fan base, kind of hard to buy that argument when he couldn’t correctly pronounce dmitry kulikov’s name for his entire tenure as a panther. Don’t even try that awful “he specifically asked how to pronounce his name” argument. It’s not true.
You can keep telling yourself that Edwards is hated because people just don’t like the bruins, but you can’t stretch that argument to the entire NHL.
Once again. I get it, you want someone who would rather jump off the green monster then ever say anything that isn’t yelled with a massive Boston slant. He fits the personality of Boston fans perfectly.