Well I do not think itbisxa locker room problem...rather an ability problem...
He is not living upto his pay level since he joined the team in the trade from Columbus..
He doesvnotcshowcthevdefebsive focus,anticipation forboroperbpisition ,unable to finish checks or clear the crease ,very latec reactive on switches and unable to recover to best defensive position when he is beat or his partner is beat..I just do not think he has the aptitude or hockey defensive sense you need to be a goal preventing dnan ...I do not think he is even average at defending g...
On offebse his shot is not much of a threat to the opps..he does not score enough or create enough to help others score such that his offense woukd cover for his defensive flaws such .that at least hecwoukdvbe around even/average..but he is Mr.Negative...
He is notcan ekite PK guy either..nor on the Po.Pso he does not offset his flaws.
Sonetines his focus lags amd you get check-cashing non-chalance ..he does not saisfy the eye test for a reliable dman...plays big minutes so the negatives per 60 dominate...yes..they play him vs. top lines but bottom line ,they score on him way too much and he does not score on them enough.
I just think he is mis-used as a dman...would
like to try him as a power winger...freeing his mind to simpler tasks should make him do a few things well instead of trying to rely on him forc5x5,pk and pp excellence...just cannot be relied on to do thise tasks well as a big minutes dman...simply hiscrile
.just powering on rushes..slam the dmen into the boards on tge ensuing forecheck..get thebkose puck and take it to the net ...he has size he has speed once he moves his feet.. itcwill pise problems for the opps if he just does only a few things well as a power forward...less shifts...less tinevon shift...more focused to less tasks.. less processing ..he should be more energized and enthusiastic.Hisxshot stinksxso he will not I think score many goals hinself...but the power chaos he could create should lead to chances from lose pucks at the crease and rebound chances for other Hawks on shift with him.
.So my answer is...no not a locker -room cancer..but completely mis-used..hevis notca goid dman at all..but he night be useful as a forward causing havoc in the o-zone (remember when they put Bufiglien fron defense to forward,he created chaos for thevooos D and the Hawks got scoring chancesoff that chaos)..
On D ...$9.5 if asked to handle pucks at the point on keep-ins, he fails or fumbles too much ..his hands not great ..and if he fumbles or pinches in too deep Hawks caught on 2 on1s..but if as a forward caught in deep therecshould be Dme covering back so I would trade the risk of him being caught in deep in the o-zone as a winger vs. him being caught in deep as a dman,precisely because we would have a dman back in place to stop the puck-carrier in neutral ice ..
So I see re-tasking his role into a power winger as the best way to utilize what he can do best ...carry the puck in on power rushes...go chase it and hammer opposition d hard into the boards like a freight train coming at them..create chaos..grab loose pucks off the forecheck and take it to the net...probably not score himself off these power moves but the chaos it causes at the net should give other Hawks more space off their checks for shots and a kit ofvrebound chances.
I think he could be useful if he embraces such a new role..in any case what he is doing now as a dman just is not working well.. and his fails affect the psyche of the team..
Just an aside...in the 10 December games prior to $9.5's return,Alex Vlasic had 2g 5 a...In the 5 games since Seth back=Zero points for Vlasic ...wheras without a seth Vlasic was energic with more offensive attacking and rushes and shooting more trying to create offense,in the 5 games back he is deferring back to a more passive less energetic counter game ...like itvis let Seth provide the offense mentality...it has not worked as Vlasic not"leadibg" lije hecwas with Seth out ...Seth coming back has hurtvVladic's development into a betterc2cwah dman...The key Seth do it mentality has infested the whoke team I think.
So IMO ...simplify for Seth ..make homa power winger type..let others like Vlasic take up those other functions we need fro. The d-corps..