So diving into some deep research I've managed to decode some of this.
"Rizz" = charisma
"Gyatt" = strong excitement, suprise or admiration
"Beta" = used to describe someone who prefers other people to be in charge and may be shy or lack confidence
"Sigma" = referring to a supposed classification for men who are successful and popular, but also silent and rebellious
"Mewing" = The act of making your jawline more defined by putting your tongue to the roof of your mouth
So the Sens may have shown 'rizz' so far this season but the fans are still hesitant to 'gyatt' on the team because in the past we were 'mewing' as wannabe 'sigmas' when we were in fact just rizzless 'betas'. While there may be 'rizz' right now, there is also the reality that we may once again revert to our historically 'incel' 'chud' state of aggressive indifference.