Is it a surprise HNIC chose Bartlett to call the ECF over Singh/Debrusk?


Time for a new GM !
Feb 4, 2016
I’m talking about the ECF.

Cuthbert and Simpson are calling the Oilers series.

Normally that should mean Singh/Debrusk get the ECF. But they chose Bartlett instead.
Cuthbert snd Simpsin are nauseating.

lol. Singh is absolute trash. One of the worst ever in fact. We all know why he got the job and it's not because he's good at it. Yeah, I said it.
Singh is far better than Bartlet or Cuthbert.
And Simpson could do us all a favor by staying home and watching from his couch.
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Registered User
Jul 4, 2006
I would imagine that they want to keep things as impartial as possible, even from the hint of bias. Singh was born and raised in Brooks and grew up an Oiler fan and DeBrusk was an Oiler.
Cuthbert and Simpson had no problems being biased in the second round. Compare the goal calls from game 7. All 3 oiler goals were like an eulogy and the excitement for the Canucks goals was measurable louder and intense.

Simpson was an Oiler as well, heck he was even a coach for them AND former regional colour guy. I don't buy the "not appearing biased" angle.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
I can't recall Bartlett's voice, but I know Singh is horrific.

Another reason might be that Singh/DeBrusk might've gone on vacation or whatever because Cuthbert/Simpson covered the Oilers/Canucks and would for sure get round 3's call, so they're unavailable for this one.

He's got a sort of nasally voice, but not in a bad way. He's a good one.

I don't mind Singh either.

Iggys Dome

Not allowed to say the “R-Word” (rebuild)
Mar 19, 2018
Cap Space
Rick Ball should be regularly getting National games and is the best PBP sportsnet has (I like Cuthbert too). He has chemistry with anyone.

It’s ok with me if they wanna keep him for Flames games only tho


Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
Yeah I heard Singh he's pretty good u guys lucky our announcers suck

I've been hearing more American feeds this playoff, and I agree, most of the American pbp guys that I hear are not very good. I do like forslund though.


Registered User
Sep 21, 2005
I think OP is biased, wanting the Oilers guys, have no issue with Bartlett, not much difference really, I think Sportsnet considers Singh crew the third or fourth crew. Bartlett crew did the Florida / Bruins series.
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Ghetty Green

Registered User
Apr 7, 2018
Bartlett and Singh both suck. Where's Rick Ball?

Debrusk is like white paint. Seems like a sweet guy but he’s boring AF.

Singh is ok, but also a million times better then the usual Oilers guy who sounds like he’s calling wrestling.

Oilers broadcast crew is so bad.
Jack Michaels is the best


Registered User
May 5, 2024
Cuthbert is awful. Always has been. The guy's voice is higher than a a teenage girl.

And he's always got that stupid smirk on his face. He can announce bad news of some sort like a player's parents died and he'd have a giant grin on his face.


Registered User
Sep 12, 2013
More opinions in this topic than people that care about them. That, and Habs avatars.


Cont. without supporting.
Aug 18, 2006
Clown World
I take Monster Truck Michaels over Singh any day. Singh’s enthusiasm sounds forced and he doesn’t have very good control over excitement/inflection so it almost feels monotonous.

Michaels sounds like if cocaine were a human.
That last minute VS the Canucks in game 7 was peak Cocaine Jack. :laugh:


Registered User
Jun 23, 2018
I had to look it up because I didn't know exactly who John Bartlett was.

That guy. I've never had an issue with Bartlett. And hasn't he been around for a long time? Like a lot longer than Singh? So I don't know why it would surprise anyone if Bartlett got the opportunity instead of Singh.

I also like Singh, and Jack Michaels, and Cuthbert, and just about everyone that folks have mentioned here. We have a lot of good PbP voices these days north of the border. South of it I've got more names I'd try and avoid listening to.


Registered User
Nov 5, 2016
We in western Canada got a lot of Singh. I am among many that like his voice but not his style. He has no idea when to create excitement, his voice will randomly get excited, no build up, just no sense of how to go with the flow of the game. His descriptiveness is fine. If you can get over the poor antonation, then he is ok.

What an excellent description. Thank you. I concur. No problem whatsoever with him except his raise in excitement level at wrong times, and lack thereof when necessary.


#1 Nick Cousins Fan Account
Mar 11, 2017
Singh is bad. The fact that most American hockey PBP guys are also bad is more of an indictment of the state of hockey PBP in the US.


Cont. without supporting.
Aug 18, 2006
Clown World
lol. Singh is absolute trash. One of the worst ever in fact. We all know why he got the job and it's not because he's good at it. Yeah, I said it.
I wouldn't say Singh is a DEI hire. He can still call a decent hockey game even if he isn't my cup of tea. There has certainly been worse PBP announcers.
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Chris Tanev #1 Fan
Nov 29, 2013
Surrey, BC
Not a fan of either Singh nor Debrusk. Just not a fan of Singh's style and Debrusk is about as white meat/boring as you can get.

I wouldn't say Bartlett and Galley are an incredible but I do like them.

Singh called the Rangers-Carolina series and i thought he was great. you canadians have clearly never had to listen to sean mcdonough lol

McDonough sounds like he's falling asleep, no idea why they have him calling hockey games.

I think baseball's pace would be a better fit for him.

John Forslund is a good one though.

Three On Zero

HF Designated Parking Instructor
Oct 9, 2012
Singh is one of the better announcers we have, DeBrusk is just terrible


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