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I didnt expand anything for option 1. I used all the best on best. I'm not shifting it to a certain tournament to suit my opinion like you are. I'm using best on best, and it falls within the 20 year span that you designated.
And I told you time and time again that it's fine. It just doesn't make your argument any better, Finland still dominates. So what's your point?
I dont believe the Czechs played in the finals 3 time, did they? The US did. So unless the Czechs did as well, why would you consider them ahead of the US? That makes zero sense.
Their gold is more recent. But really, I put almost no emphasis on anything before 2000. It does not really represent recent years. Finland certainly had some players already in the 1998 team, but still those results are very far from today.
Do you understand Option 1? All time best on best. No shifting of timelines. Is that clear to you.
If you wanted to do all time best on best then you'd have to go count all Canada Cups as well but of course this is completely pointless since it has absolutely nothing to do with todays situation.
So if you are talking about right now, you can only look at the last 2 Olympic games, in which the US finished higher. Unless you consider 2 bronzes better than one silver, but I sure dont.
I can only look at last 2 olympic games? Why? I can easily look at all of them. Finland had a lot of returning players from 2006, I find that to be a very current result. I have constantly kept referring to Sweden being ahead of Finland because of a recent gold medal (2006). If that is taken away then Sweden drops.
If you looked at the very limited and cherry picked time limit of only last two olympics, Finland and USA would be tied. USA with 2nd and 4th place finishes and Finland with 2x 3rd. What does the USA finishes average to? Even goal differential head to head is even. So what would be the tie breaker? World championships? IIHF ranking? Sounds good to
Anyway, there is absolutely no reason not to include results from the whole NHL olympics era (and you can count that 1996 in there if that floats your boat). It shows consistency and gives a bigger sample size. Results are clearly in Finland's favour.
Funny thing is, any way you cherry pick, you can't find a way to put the U.S ahead. No results support it. When we don't cherry pick and just include them all, the picture is clear.
Stop trying to argue results, just say "it's my misguided opinion and I'll stick to it because reality doesn't matter to me"