Jiminy Cricket
- Mar 9, 2014
- 2,209
- 2,125
My name is Jame`s Crick. I`m from Massachusett`s, California, and I have an Wonderful story 2 tell u All.
Back in the D`ecade, My Great GranPappy had a Fellow`ship with a man Name`d Uncl`e. Now Un`cle was a Youn`g man, But brigh`ter than the Sun `n` Tall 2 boot.
They On`Ce went Choppin`g wood, and 2 much Delite, the Fores`t had No Branch`s!
What are the Chance`s!
My Gr8 Grappable Gran Pappable deliver`d, `Uncle, have u any Leave`s?` But Un`Cle was nowhere 2 be foun`d. Rescue Team`s search`d the mission for Night`s and Day`s. Uncle? No. 2 this Day it Remain`s a mystery. But the G`host of Uncle will alway`s Haun`t that Fores`t. 
Back in the D`ecade, My Great GranPappy had a Fellow`ship with a man Name`d Uncl`e. Now Un`cle was a Youn`g man, But brigh`ter than the Sun `n` Tall 2 boot.