Very cute as well. Can confirm
He's a creeper who stalked and found meMonabae says his face is always hidden because it is ugly, how do u no?
He's a creeper who stalked and found me
(But we met)
Yes. The Calgary Flames prospect team couldn't stop staring.Did you have wild kinky public secks?
Yes. The Calgary Flames prospect team couldn't stop staring.
DuckJet won't accept my request to be my attorney. Why?
linden when r u coming to pen again u egg
Monabae says his face is always hidden because it is ugly, how do u no?
Keep me posted nerdI have no reason to until next summer. Might be in the Okanogan for coaching in the Spring I'll let you know.
Hi, I'm SonicY (Lord Cheese was taken), I like hot meat pies, the band Breaking Benjamin, that poster with the dog as his avatar (so adorbs LOL), and I've always wanted to be Loungecool ever since '08. Can you imagine, White NOISE!?! OMG!!!
My favourite ixcuincle quote is ' streaming NOW' lol that guy is so irreverint (sp?)
Anyway, PM me and we can play 2P Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing [i/] on the PC if you're internet is good enough.
*tryhard post 2*I like that you took two stabs at getting the italics right here and still failed