I won't disagree on the last few points made here because they are true. What saddens me about it all is that the real thing we are missing out on is no top level best on best olympic hockey or world cup is the fact they as fans we are missing out on superior entertainment because well...................hockey is a better sport to watch then football.
I know I know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, blah blah. But really it isn't, when you strip away any bias and just take the sports as they are and you throw away all the energy of the crowd and the party going on and the production superiority/advantage one sport has over another and just observe the play action going on hockey ( and a host of other sports for that matter up to and including downhill skiing)................ has that sport beat hands down,.football really doens't grade out very well. I swear to god, it takes watching 20 games to get one with real sustained good great action. Way too may games where there just isn't enough action going on, and if a team or god forbid both of them want to park it it's just horribly dreadful stuff. So much of footballs popularity has to do with such a long tradition of it being an old sport with such deep roots, it's availability and the atmosphere in the stands and media built around that tradition. But if you were to wipe the slate clean, start humankind all over again and have god or the f***in aliens give you a season long example of just the sports being played that were going to be your options football would end up the niche sport because being honest it doesn't come close to so many other sports in game play itself that so many others do. When it's really great sure it's really great just like pretty much any sport you can think of, but man, you sure have to work for it as a fan. A lot of games there is nothing there to keep you watching except for the atmosphere in the stands, because it sure as hell isn't what is happening down there on the pitch most times.
Too slow, too much f***ing around with the ball doing nothing and going nowhere and just far too few legitimate scoring opportunities in too many games. I can't think of another sport that has solid popularity where there is so many nil-nil endings, that says a lot to me. In a lot of ways it's the most over rated sport in the world, it really is. Yet, by sheer timing, availability and luck it's in the number one sport on earth, but that's all it is, luck, availability and timing.
In terms of actual sports entertainment when we are talking about actual game action One tournaments worth of senior best and best hockey regardless of where it is held is worth 4 football world cups, and I could honestly say that about a lot of sports, Give me one wimbledon tournament over 4 world cups too, way more bang for the buck.
I mean I like football fine but the more you do watch it the more you pine for seeing the worlds best in hockey go at it.
We sure do need anther top level hockey competition and soon, thank god we still do have the WHC going, it gives us at least a good fix and we get it each year.
Now I sit back and wait for the football fans on here to call for my assassination.