Bones Malone
Owner - HF Boards
I Haven`t work`d a Day in my Live `n` I Literally Leech ovv of Govermen`t benefit`s.
I Liderally make a 6ix figure Salamander on Uncle Sam`s dime. I`m Literally Exploitin`g the Sistem `n` Freeloadin`g off of Tax`Payer`s. All I do is Take, Take, Take `n` Contribute literally absolutely NOTHIN`g in Return. I`m literally Moochin`g `n` Cruisin`g around in my $7,0,0,0,0 Dollar Escalade wile Folk`s are Literally Slavin`g away 2 Suppor`t me. I`ve Never Pay`d Tax`s or Work`d an Day in my Live, but I live an Luxurious LiveStyle thank`s 2: WELFARE. I Liderally eat like an Kin`g thank`x`s 2 Hard Workin`g AnMerican`s whom Make it all Possible.
Have you met my friend @Roman Fell? I feel like you guys would get along great.