So sorry that you both have endured all of that pain, recovery and scary moments . I hope she's doing better now.Can confirm the desire to discharge. My wife had to have emergency surgery back on October 2nd for an intestinal blockage. A cecal volvulus. They removed the cecum and did a repair. They were trying to get her out of the hospital with a wound vac and oral dilaudid two days later, when they repair perforated and flooded her abdomen with contents of her digestive track. Back to the OR for a second emergency surgery that resulted in an ileostomy. She then spend the next month in the hospital bouncing in and out of the SICU on ventilators and lost about 20% of her weight. She was finally discharged the night before Halloween, but in a condition so weak and in need of care that I had to take the whole month of November off from work to be part of her at home health team.
The ileostomy journey is no fun either. My dad and sister endured it and were able to get theirs reversed eventually. Another family member is going through it right now and cannot even get the supplies needed on time.