This injecting disinfectants is like the Hydroxycloroquine over again.
More important notes taken from yesterday Briefing
-Bleach kills the virus in 5 minutes - Isopropyl Alcohol kills it in 30 seconds with you rubbing (please don't ingest dummies, no matter what the fake media says Trump said. If you watched the briefing, Trump was talking about a ultraviolet type light, Not a disinfectant).
-Covid-19 does not like the heat
-in 23 states, new cases have declined in peak week
-More help for small business, as large business and schools like Harvard, Princeton & Stanford are taking a cut and some not receiving the help that did not need it.
-FDA has started convalescent plasma donated from recovered patients to extract the anti-bodies.
-Ohio and Iowa now using the rapid testing (i think you get the results in 5 minutes). Double or more, the test done in those states
And much more was said. Much more Important information that those who dont watch the press briefings missed because most the media no longer writes about the news, they are to busy writing articles to can go viral, even if its a lie. Outrage culture and i got you moments has gotten out of control. What a Shame.