no.. the softish schedule catches up.
teams with easy front schedule (last year's low finishers), play a harder middle section and their point total drops a tad.
18 first games, hopefully 22-23 points
18 2nd stretch is against better opponents, hopefully 20-21
18 3rd stretch is against really hard opponents , hopefully 18-19 points
18 game 4th stretch, moderate, hopefully 20-21
10 game end is unknown as that governs how hard you play and so on.. so anywhere from 10-14 points
total 90-98 points.. again depends on where you are at game 72.
if at 90-93 you are out
94-96 in as a 7/8
97-98 in as a 4/5 (or 2/3 in your division)
this is why, it is critical to bank points in the first 18-22 games , if you were a low finishing team last year.