Weird to you but not them. Not being selected does mean “not being good enough to crack the roster“ to the people at Hockey Canada making the call, otherwise they would have been “selected”.
Hockey Canada has made it abundantly clear they place an emphasis on winning above everything else, they assemble a team they believe will get them a gold medal. They may sacrifice skill, or size, or speed etc. if they believe a certain player provides an ingredient needed to put them over top and fill a niche that others can’t. Unlike posters to this site, they give a rats ass which NHL team holds a prospects rights (couldn’t help but notice your location is Montreal and Beck his a Habs prospect).
There will never be a year where everybody looks at the roster chosen and says “yup they got 100% correct”. At the end of the day, if they win the gold then we have to tip our cap and say their selections got the job done… then hold our breaths and hope there is no sex scandal in the future.
Yes, blame it on Beck being a Habs prospect instead of looking at their selections objectively.
Hockey Canada always had an old school mentality and you can see it with some of the choices they make on many WJC, OG and WC teams.
Winning Gold doesn't mean their selection was correct. Beck has shown pretty clearly the last two games he should have been on the team to begin with.