Punch Imlach once started a practice with a question, he said you guys stunk the joint out last night, and by all rights I should bag skate you, but I feel pretty generous today. So I'm gonna ask you men one question and if anyone can answer it they get excused today. You men play in the NHL which is an honour and a priviledge, so I expect at least some of you should know the answer. Everyone ready, there are 6 spots you never ever make a drop pass. After a bunch of shit's and groans, Eddie Shack turns and starts skating back to the gate. Imlach yells across the ice, "Shack where the hell do you think you're going? Eddie grins and say's "well Coach, I know where those spots are" You do, do you, Ok smartass where are they?
Shack lets out a bellow and say's Montreal, Toronto, New York, Boston Detroit and Chicago, enjoy the practice