Pranzo Oltranzista
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- Oct 18, 2017
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Yes!! Love these posts! I would answer again with my own ranking, but I can't make sense of what is what in this series, and I quit half way and haven't seen the recent ones.Forgot about those posts from last October ,, Might as well continue on with Texas Chainsaw Massacre series
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) = 9/10
A classic of genre and a film that is close to masterpiece. Sure it has some flaws and its is a cheaply made film but those add to the quality and the cast of relative unknowns works well for the teen victims while the family of killers add to the odd/creepy feel of movie
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) = 6/10
A film that came about as part of the Hooper/Cannon deal (Hooper's big deal with major studio saw 3 disappointing if outright box office bombs). A drastically different take from first film as black comedy is amp'd up on steroids and Tom Savini effects help take center stage. It is all in all a movie that is either loved or hated by TCM fans for most part. I find it overall entertaining and Dennis Hopper's shines as obsessive uncle on revenge trip.
Major cuts take away some of the Savini magic and some scenes simply dont work well honestly overall its a a mixed bag for me
Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 (1990) = 6/10
A film that had so much promise sunk as a result of budget , forced MPAA cuts and a storyline that lacked cohessiveness. But I still enjoyed this take on series and the film was well cast with some pretty good performances. Overall its a film that tries to find balance between original tone and part 2's campy/black comedy overdrive. Overall like part 2 its a mixed bag but a decent effort to bring new life into franchise under New Line Cinema (Who had part rights hoping to parlay series into success like Nightmare on Elm Street but it failed at box office)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (1995) = 0/10
I hated this f***ing film ,,,, Absolutely no redeeming qualities from the weak kills to , poor acting and the stupid decision of making Leatherface into an emotional/angry drag queen. I dont know what the hell Henkel thought he was accomplishing with this absolute trash
And that ending is absolutely terrible with the whole "This was part of conspiracy" nonsense. I mean holy shit that makes the Halloween Druid angle look amazing by comparison. If not for McConaghey an Zellweger becoming stars this movie would have stayed buried in trashcan of history. They tried to capitalize on stardom of those two in 97 with re-release that no doubt was embarrassing to the stars and saw film fail at box office again
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) = 4/10
Why does this film exist ,, Why? As we saw in that decade there was rush to remake many horror classics but with very little noteworthy changes making them unneeded rehashes of original films. This film really adds nothing of value to franchise
I did enjoy the acting in film (Ermey especially) and effects were fine but outside of that there was very little to like or love
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) = 4.5/10
This quasi prequel is not much better then 2003 remake and with a bunch of plot points that fall flat or make no sense but overall I found this take to be slightly more enjoyable then 2003 remake and I dont honestly know why. Overall effects and acting are fine in this film as they were in remake but it really did nothing for me and is rather forgettable film
Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013) = 0/10
A so called prequel to original that ignores all sequels and leaves us with an absolute mess... Jesus christ this film sucked from beginning to end and even the kills were underwhelming. The plot is full of holes and inconsistencies. And the acting was pretty bad
Leatherface (2017) = 3/10
Hey look another prequel that again falls flat and is littered with a mess of a storyline/script and an ending that seemed to try to purposely go against what fans were expecting intentionally in a "Gotcha moment" that didn't work. Also this movie seems strangely tame outside of a scene or two with very little
There was potential here with this project and the cast was pretty good collection of talent. But in end it just ended up being an underwhelming film
Honestly at this point the TCM franchise should probably be put down for good but yet another sequel is in pipeline one that is already a disaster with leaked plot points making it seem like a really generic rip off of various other films in series and the fact the brother duo directors were fired one week into production shows how much of a mess this film likely will be
Again, please do Amityville!