This Bishop trade is a testament to Lombardi's consummate genius. The fact that the Kings, of all teams, landed Bishop is sheer irony, given their wealth between the pipes as it stands. The fact that The Kings don't have to face Bishop on the way to their next cup is almost reason, in itself, for this trade. Teams with more sore goalie needs ought be rattled to find that Bishop was avalailable at this price. The fact that Lombardi found this value, speaks to Lombardi's commitment to creatively finding ways to improve his team. Clearly he is persuing improvement and all avenues to it. If Bishop isn't the BPA at that price, I'd ask who is? Moreover, Quick's game relies heavily on his flexibility, something we expect to diminish quickly with age, Bishop, on the other hand, relies on being huge, something that will not change. Smart trade, value trade & safe trade.