1. Download
2. Download
UE4SS (needed for the mod to work).
3. Download
Blueprint_Apparate (needed for the mod's UI).
4. Unzip the "UE4SS" zip to <gamefolder>\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64.
5. Open UE4SS-settings.ini, scroll down to the [Debug] section and set GuiConsoleEnabled to 0 to disable the UE4SS window at startup.
6. Unzip the "CustomizableCamera" zip to <gamefolder>.
7. Unzip the "BP Apparate" zip to <gamefolder>\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods.
8. Run the game and load your character.
9. Press F6 to display the CustomizableCamera UI.
10. Choose your settings, press Save and click on the X button to close. Press F6 again at any time to edit them.